πŸ™ Homily - October 24πŸ™

How will our life be if all people are same in terms of behaviour, thoughts, actions etc.? Perhaps, our life will be boring and dull. That's why God has endowed the creation with diversities and verities. However, this is not enough, it is the work of every creature to bring the purpose of God to its fullness by meeting God's expectation. The readings of the day bring to the fore, how God has endowed us with graces or gifts and he also expects from us and waits patiently that we should bring fruit or meet the expectation of Him.

In the first reading, St. Paul tells the Christians in Ephesus to act according to the charis or gifts they have received. All people are blessed with different gifts, they are to build the body of Christ through their gifts where Christ himself is the head. Paul reminds people that It's the responsibility of everyone to contribute to the building of the body of Christ through their gifts.

The gospel presents that as God has blessed us with gifts, He also expects two things from us. The first expectation is that we should bring fruits; the fig tree was taken care but failed to bring fruits but still God waits patiently for the following year. This is so with us as well. God waits patiently for us that we will bring fruits by using our gifts for His purpose. The second expectation of God is: if we fail to meet the expectations of God never give up but make every effort to make it, so begin it anew. Jesus emphasizes the teaching of repentance or metanoia which means change of mind. This also refers to a fresh beginning once failed in something. Jesus invites people to begin a new life in Him. It's a new beginning.

Dear friends, we all are blessed with different gifts and talents. Some are good singers, preachers, writers, sportsmen, teachers etc. they are not for self glory but they must lead to give glory to God. If they are used only to draw the attentions of people and attract commendation and praise for oneself, they fail to meet the purpose of God. When we fail in giving praise to God for what we have, God doesn't abandon us but gives us chance to change. Everyday is a new chance to do better than yesterday. We have received gifts from God, they help us to achieve our purpose of existence here on earth. They are free gifts for us, thus they must be gratefully recognised by us by using them for God's purpose. Let's use our gifts for building the body of Christ.

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