πŸ™ Homily - October 28πŸ™

When we think of saintly people we sometimes exclude them from our ordinary life. We at times exaggerate their spiritual life and their daily life. They are saints not because they were aloof but they learnt to live and find God in their ordinary life. God has called us and our call is well meditated and designed but now it depends on us how we respond to that. The readings of the day invite us to reflect upon our call and live it to the fullest in God's company.

The gospel draws our attention to the call of the apostles. The call of the apostles was well meditated and prayed over by Jesus. He, after the prayer, picks 12 of his disciples and called them apostles meaning the sent ones. The apostles are the envoys or messengers sent by Jesus for the proclamation of a new kingdom innagurated in Him.

In the first reading, St. Paul tells the Christians in Ephesus to value their call as Christians because by this they have a special relationship with Christ who is the head of the Church. Christians, as God's chosen ones, are the integral part of God's kingdom and this is a special vocation. Paul tells that it's by their call as Christians they also have joined the company of saints. Thus, their call is also geared to eschew the saintly realm which is prepared by the apostles and founded on Christ.

My dear friends, our life as Christians is not by chance but well mediated and designed by God. This is a very special call at the same time requies a response: the response of life according to it. We share our company with the saints and the apostles who accompany us through their intercessions for us, so that we also will be with them one day in heaven. When we look around we find a dichotomy of life. Our faith and real life do not coalesce into one unit but two different ways. The readings are inviting us today to bridge this gap of dichotomy and live a single life of integrity. If this life is chosen, the company of our heavenly family is assured through prayers. Let's not loose this privilege of receiving the company our heavenly family.

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