❤️ Homily - October 30 ❤️

St. Mother Teresa says "The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved." This is the kind of poverty which was experienced by many who were sick and considered outcaste during the time of Jesus. Jesus saw their misery and came to their rescue. This is a great sign of love manifested by Jesus. The readings of the day bring us to look upto the example of love presented by Jesus and invite us to live the example of love in Him.

The gospel reflects the compassionate heart of Jesus. He sees the misery of a person who was suffering from dropsy. Though it was a Sabbath, he wanted to cure the person from this illness. He, by doing so, drives an example for people who had devalued man. It was allowed to save animals on the Sabbath but saving and helping another human person was not permitted and that was ridiculous. This also gave more importance to animals than humans. This was a deviation from the mind of God, who made humans stewards of His creation. Jesus tries to put this correct.

The first reading is one of the affable letters of St. Paul. Paul beautifully puts it that it is the love of people that he admires in them. He admonishes the people to continue to live in Christ. He also underlines that love leads to knowledge and discernment and ultimately to holinesss. In fact, love is the pathway to the ultimate purpose of our life.

Dear friends, Jesus himself said man is not made for Sabbath but Sabbath is made for man. This shows the dignity of human but over the course of time this was distorted. Every person is valuable and important. Jesus showed this by healing the person. This is also an expression of love for the fellow citizens. The expression of love is the example set before us to emulate. The life of love helps us to achieve our purpose of life in Christ. This purpose of life is eternal life in Christ.

When we look around we find many are dying and suffering. People rarely dare to help if that calls for any loss. Jesus reaches out to every individual who is suffering and invites us to do so because we are called to share the love of Christ to all. Let's seek the grace of God to live the life of love.

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