πŸ’– HOMILY - JULY 21 πŸ’–

First Reading - Jeremiah 2:1-3,7-8,12-13 

Gospel - Matthew 13:10-17

"God's love is so wonderful - 3 Oh! wonderful love" This song reminds us of God's infinitive love for the humanity. However, God's love is to be reciprocated. The readings of today invite us to reciprocate God's loving message to us in humility.

The first reading portrays the rebellious attitude of the people who forgot and deserted their true God. The prophet is sent to announce to the people the repercussions of their unfaithfulness. The passage is explicit in showing contrast between God's faithful love for the people of Israel from the very beginning and the unfaithfulness and ungratefulness of the people as they entered the promised land. The people became indifferent to God and at times became unfaithful by going after other gods. The prophet Jeremiah is sent to remind the people of God's ever faithfulness and love for the people which is always contrasted by their unfaithfulness to God.

In the gospel, Jesus’ disciples wanted to know why Jesus spoke in parables to the common people but explained to his disciples the parables’ implicit and hidden meanings. Jesus gives two reasons for using parables. 1) The so-called intellectuals, like the scribes and the Pharisees, had closed their minds and hearts to his preaching. That is one of the reasons why Jesus started speaking to the common people with open minds and receptive hearts, using their simple language and telling them stories and parables based on their lives. 2) The secrets of God’s kingdom are meant for humble people with open minds and large receptive hearts, not for proud intellectuals who are closed to them.

Furthermore, Jesus congratulates his apostles and the common people on their good fortune in seeing the long-awaited Messiah, hearing his words and experiencing his company.

Dear friends, we are indeed fortunate that we have recieved the message of salvation in Jesus. The first reading warns us that we should be cautious that we should not become like the people who turned their deaf ears and closed their hearts to God. Rather, Jesus teaches us through the gospel that the message of God is to be respected and accepted with open hearts. Jesus comes to the lives of people, teaches them about the kingdom in their understandable language and images so that they could remain faithful to God. Today we are more blessed than Jesus’ first-century audience because we have his message in written form and his Presence in the Holy Eucharist, in the Holy Bible and in the praying community. Hence, let our response to the message of the Bible be always recieved with open hearts. Let's try our best to reverence the presence of God in the Eucharist, in the Bible, and in the praying community with our receptive and reverential mind. This is how we will be able to respond to the message of salvation faithfully.

May God assist and guide us in our efforts.

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