πŸ’– HOMILY - JULY 27 πŸ’–

First Reading - Jeremiah 15:10,16-21

Gospel - Matthew 13:44-46

Many things and many people play important roles in our lives. Some are of greater importance and others are of lesser importance. We give importance to things and people according to their degree of importance they have in our lives. The readings of the day invite us to place the Kingdom of heaven at the level of supreme importance for its importance can't be surpassed.

The first reading is a piece of autobiography of the prophet, bitter and yet loyal. It is the second record of Jeremiah’s confrontations with the LORD whom he serves. In a way it is a fierce struggle with his own conscience and his awareness of God. He bemoans the day of his birth, since he acknowledges that he was always destined to be a prophet and to give his unpalatable message to the people, a message which would involve him in unpopularity and persecution. And yet it is the joy of his heart to be the Lord’s messenger and to be called by the Lord’s name. He expresses his happiness because of the importance of the treasure he finds in the Lord.

The pericope of the gospel mentions two parables from Jesus of the similar nature regarding the Kingdom of heaven. The Kingdom of heaven is compared with the hidden treasure and fine pearls. In both the cases, the finders sell everything to appropriate the treasure and pearls respectively. Through the parables, the gospel underlines the importance of the Kingdom of heaven above every material value. The parables also show that kingdom of heaven must be given supreme importance in our lives for everything pale before it.

My dear friends, Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI in his book - "Jesus of Nazareth" shows that the Kingdom of heaven or God is none other than Jesus himself. In this case, we can say that the person of Christ must have prominent place in our lives. He is of supreme value. The one who understands the value of Christ in his or her life will consider other things of lesser value. The one who understands the importance of giving Christ as the primary place will shine through every situation of life. Tomorrow we will commemorate the feast of a great saint from India, St. Alphonsa, who suffered physical pain but still could smile. This is an example of shining through every situation. The person who understands the preeminence of Christ in one's life will always wear a divine light on his or her face just as Moses bore the divine light after meeting the Lord. This is to say that the person will always reflect divine light in and through his or her life. Certainly, this divine light will help others approach God in reverence and love.

May God help us make Him the treasure and pearls of our lives.

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