πŸ’– HOMILY - AUGUST 24 πŸ’–


First Reading - Revelation 21:9-14

Gospel - John 1:45-51

In order to achieve and find something, we need to become seekers. It's in our earnest and passionate seeking, we can certainly find what we desire. The readings of the day invite us to become honest seekers of God and this seeking will bring us to God's beatific vision.

The gospel of the day narrates the call of Nathaniel (Bartholomew or 'son of Tholomay'). We chance upon some important characteristics of this apostle of Jesus: firstly, he was a genuine seeker. This we can decipher from the sentence of Jesus - "... I saw you under the fig tree." This sentence refers to his studying of the Torah (Law) under the tree because sometimes Rabbi used to instruct a small group of people under the fig tree. Secondly, he was a true and faithful Jew that's why Jesus speaks of him:"There truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deception." Thirdly, he grows from scepticism to faith in Jesus as when mentioned by Philip about Jesus he says:"Can anything good come from Nazareth?" But the same Nathaniel confesses realising the supernatural knowledge of Jesus:"Rabbi, you are the son of God." (Meaning you are the Messiah). 

The characteristics of Nathaniel are interesting. He projects a true face of a Jew or the one seeking God genuinely in his or her life. Historically speaking, it was not easy in the beginning because many claimed to be the Messiah even before Jesus appeared but all failed, hence the claim of Jesus to be the Messiah from Nazareth (as Scriptures mentions Bethlehem not Nazareth as the birth place of Messiah and Jesus was known to be from Nazareth) met with scepticism by Nathaniel. However, he comes to faith in Jesus after encountering him. Faith of Nathaniel finds realisation in Jesus. His seeking completes in Jesus.

The first reading draws the curtain of the vision of the new Jerusalem. What is amazing in the scene is the reference to the new Jerusalem. Since the old Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD by Romans, the vision of new Jerusalem depicts the heaven as beautifully adorned and embellished. The twelve names of the apostles refer to the continuation of the Church in heaven, founded on the 12 apostles. Thus the new Jerusalem is the reward of the Christians who have come to profess and live their faith in Jesus.

Dear friends, our goal of seeking God completes in the reward of seeing the new Jerusalem. Nathaniel is an example for us to reach our destination. As we profess our faith, we need to remain true seekers of God. Nathaniel exhibited genuineness in seeking God and what kept him faithful is his eagerness to know and observe the Torah. We are Christians and our faithfulness to our faith is important and this faithfulness is reinforced by the learning and obeying the Word of God and practicing the Sacraments. When we remain faithful to our faith in Jesus through the observance of the Word of God and the Sacraments, certainly we will have the reward of heaven.

We hear in the gospel, how Nathaniel was guided by Philip who recognised in Jesus the awaited Messiah and guided Nathaniel to approach Jesus, as a result of it, he met the Messiah. In our Catholic Church, we have our spiritual guides (bishops, priests, elders etc.) who have lived their faith and continue to live with their personal experience of Jesus, we can approach them for guidance and assistance in knowing God personally. This will certainly help us encounter Jesus in our lives.

May God help us become genuine seeker of Him, so that we may find Him.

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