First Reading - Isaiah 66:10-14

Gospel - Matthew 18:1-5

(Readings are according to the feast)

Many times, the image of God is caricatured as a strick and demanding God but there is other side of the coin too. Our God is a caring and loving God. He cares for everyone like a mother. The readings of today display the motherly affection of God towards His people and invite us all to respond to the affectionate love of God with trusting faith like a child.

The first reading depicts an imaginary of a caring mother in Zion, in broader sense in God. God is compared as a caring mother who takes care of all people. The prophecy of Isaiah is loaded with hope of Israel and great concern of God for the people of Israel. The hope of Israel is subsumed in the gathering of all people to Zion and providential care of God for them. The people are assured in God for their care like a mother in Him.

Historically speaking, the passage is addressed to the people of Israel those in captivity and exiled from their land. This prophecy instills hope in them that they are not be saddened or disappointed by their dire situations. God will reappear in their lives to bring them back to their land and the prosperity and joy of the land will return.

The gospel passage is centered around the child-like imagery. Jesus puts an end to the discussion of the apostles:"Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Jesus teaches them to follow the example of a child to become the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. He invites the apostles to become like the little children. Why does he say that? It's because Jesus wants them to wear the virtue of humility and trusting faith. A child traces its identity from its parents and that makes the child dependent on its parents and from it issues the virtue of humility. It's the humble person who can become great in the sight of God because that person has nothing to boast nor to hoard (in terms of position or posts). In fact, humility is a realisation of the fact that one depends on God who cares for him/her. Jesus demands this attitude from his disciples. The virtue of humility is also a gateway to heaven, as Jesus himself says:"Unless you become like little children, you will never the kingdom of heaven.

Dear friends, our God is a caring and loving God. He knows us and our needs. It's our pride that can betray us and make us feel that everything is in our control but the fact is we are no one to control. It's God who is in command and directs everything. If He is in command we need to rely on Him in humble faith. We need to become a child to God. Which means, we need to have a trusting faith in Him in humility and God will certainly grant us all we need. God loves and cares for us as a mother, let's cling to Him like a child and respond to His love and care.

May God help us live the virtue of humility in our daily life.

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