First Reading - Job Job 9:1-13,14-16

Gospel - Luke 9:57-62

Who is a true disciple? It's certainly the one who is willing to listen to the master and willingly acts upon it. The readings invite us today to evaluate our role as disciples of Jesus.

The first reading shows Job as justifying himself for the unjust situation. Job strongly holds it that the misfortunes and tragedies that have befallen him are not the consequences of his sins as he has always been faithful to God. However, on the other hand, he also acknowledges that how can he question or challenge God for such situations in his life. He pictures God as all-powerful and almighty. He further adds that before the power of God, whole creation serves at His disposal. Hence, God is at the command of everything. Job seems to flag his own self-righteous attitude in his dialogue with his friend. Job implicitly finds faults with God for his situations as He possesses the power to do everything. We see Job expecting God to act according to his wish rather than God acting according to His own wish.

The gospel passage metions three different responses to the life of discipleship. Firstly, the man coming to Jesus, willingly decides to follow Jesus but Jesus reminds him that to follow him means to depend on God completely ("Son of man has nowhere to lay his head" which signifies his dependence on God). Secondly, Jesus himself calls a man to follow him and the man tells about his obligations and responsibilities towards his parents. The reply of Jesus to this man is; the greater responsibility is to work for the good news. Thirdly, the man willing to follow Jesus with keeping the family ties intact. The response to this man by Jesus is to be focused on the purpose for which a person is called. The three responses of Jesus to discipleship pose a great challenge to us; to accept God's ways completely in one's life, to understand the greater responsibility of the message of the good news, and be focused on the task for which one is called. Jesus demands no compromise from his disciples.

Dear friends, we do make compromises in our lives; sometimes with our timetable, sometimes with our responsibilities, and sometimes with our spiritual life etc. The three responses of Jesus to three different persons apply to us equally. As disciples of Jesus, we should be ready to depend on God, accept His plan and not try to impose ours. Job, though he acted everyway according to the law and therefore certainly considered himself righteous and no way to be punished by God for anything, expects God to act on his behalf. This attitude goes against the call to discipleship. Jesus invites his disciples to act according to God's ways. The second response of Jesus to understand the primacy of the good news is far more important for every disciple. There is no compromise and no any second thought but gospel must find first place in the lives of the disciples. The third response also reminds that every disciple is supposed to remain focused on the task. It's not wise on the part of a disciple to be distracted from the call by other preoccupations and concerns. Jesus reminds that the demand to discipleship is to remain focused on the task for which he or she is called. 

Jesus in fact rules out the room for compromise and laxity from the lives of his disciples. The call to discipleship is challenging and reassuring as well. Let's be ready to accept God's plan in our lives by depending on his wisdom. Let's be mindful that as Christians, we preach and teach about Christ to the world. This is not one of the responsibilities but is the first responsibility for each one of us. Let's be the people who are focused on the purpose according to the vocations we have received. It's very important that we should remain focused or understand the priority of our responsibility as disciples of Jesus.

May we be able to become true disciples of Jesus. 

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