First Reading - Galatians 4:22-24,26-27,31-5:1
Gospel - Luke 11:29-32
In the first reading, Paul continues to show the importance of faith in contrast to the law. He affirms that faith in Christ leads to freedom but observance of law (ritualistic or legalistic mentality) leads to slavery. He allegorises the characters of Sarah and Hagar in order to show that Sarah is a legal wife of Abraham is symbolised by Jerusalem and hence freedom as Jesus dies there to save the humanity; whereas, Hagar, the Egyptian slave girl is symbolized by Sinai thus representing the law and hence slavery. Paul reminds the Christians to recognise the fact of being free in Christ through faith in Jesus. The experience of freedom is furthermore actualised when this fact is recognised through Christ in faith. The gospel also invites us to open the eyes of faith to see and recognise God and His works.
The gospel passage recounts the controversy scene and disbelief of the Pharisees. They ask for a sign from Jesus to believe in him. Jesus does not give any immediate sign or show a miracle to win them but directs them to Jonah and Solomon who became great signs of faith for gentiles in their time. Jonah became a sign of repentance for Nenevites whereas Solomon became a sign of wisdom from God for the queen of Sheba. The commonality between both is that Nenevites came in repentance to God and the queen of Sheba praised God of Israel witnessing the wisdom of Solomon. In short, they recognised God seeing Jonah and Solomon respectively.
Jesus, by comparing himself with them, tries to assert that he is a greater sign than Jonah and Solomon. What he does and preaches witness to him of what he is. They need the eyes of faith to perceive and recognise him.
Dear friends, do we recognise Jesus? God has embedded His signs everywhere that bacon to Him and His glory. The universe itself is a sign for those who see it with the eyes of faith. St. Francis of Assisi saw a clear imprint of God in every creation. It's because he saw everything with the eyes of faith. Mother Teresa saw every suffering person as suffering Christ. This was a sign for her to recognise Christ in them. St. Ignatius of Loyola and many other saints discovered Christ in the Bible. The Bible became a sign for them to recognise Christ.
God has filled our lives with His imprint, we need the eyes of faith to discover Him and recognise Him. Let's ask grace of God to let us see everything with the eyes of faith to recognise Him in our lives.