First Reading - Ephesians 3:2-12

Gospel - Luke 12:39-48

St. Teresa of Kolkata says: "Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." Our faithfulness is our strength and the path to our preparedness to meet the Lord. The readings of today exhort us to wear the virtue of faithfulness in our lives.

In the first reading, Paul speaks about the universality of the gift of salvation. He also further asserts that the all humanity shares in the grace of God through faith in Jesus. It's interesting to notice that Paul is able to view God's will for the salvation of whole humanity through the Pascal Mystery of Jesus which he considers as the wisdom of God. He also admits that he has been entrusted with a responsibility to preach this good news to the pagans or non-Jews and also to explain them, how to appropriate this grace through faith in Jesus. Paul enthusiastically shows in the passage that he is passionate about the responsibility that has been entrusted to him.

In the gospel passage of today, Jesus uses the imageries to explain the unprecedented coming of the Lord or rather his own second coming; firstly, he explains his second coming like a thief. The comparison with the thief is allegorical in order to demonstrate the unexpected and unpredictable coming of the Son of man, hence, vigilance or preparedness is required from the disciples; Secondly, he speaks about the responsible living of the life according to the demands as is depicted in the passage by the responsible steward.

Jesus clarifies that that preparedness is to be manifested in the responsible living of the disciples. But the question certainly arises, how to live our life responsibly. Certainly, it's by living our life in the way, the Lord expects from us. Jesus mentions that the master would reward the faithful servant after he finds him doing his work responsibly (In the manner, the master expects him to behave and not in the way the servant wants to act) whereas the unfaithful would be punished. 

Dear friends, the sense of responsibility is one of the qualities that is a must which we need for our works, whatever may be that. It's the sense of responsibility that makes us faithful to our jobs or tasks or our daily undertakings. The first reading presents the great enthusiasm of Paul for his task to preach and instruct the people in their faith. Jesus also demands through the parable that the disciples should be ready or prepared by carrying out their works faithfully. Jesus asserts through the parable that there is no room for compromise or sluggishness. God demands faithfulness from us to our Christian life. The faithfulness to our Christian life is also built on our faithfulness to every responsibility that we are entrusted with; our responsibility towards our parents, brothers and sisters, family members, friends and every small task that we do. Let's cultivate the virtue of faithfulness in us to every work that we today and everyday.

May God enlighten our mind to choose His ways in our lives.

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