First Reading - Ephesians 4:1-6

Gospel - Luke 12:54-59

We know that the Christianity is the most practised religion in the world. The Christianity is not only a religion but is also a family united in oneness of faith. The readings of today invite us to maintain the oneness of heart in the Church like the first Christian community that was 'united in heart and soul'.

The first reading sheds light on the importance of the united Christian community. Paul implores the Christians, in the passage, to keep the community spirit intact by being able to accept one another with their faults and failures and by being able to deal with one another in selflessness, gentleness, and patience. Paul also further underlines that it is the individuals with differences form one body through their faith in Christ. It's the oneness of the believers that manifests the oneness of their faith, oneness of their baptism, and oneness of their hope in Christ. For Paul, the spirit of oneness in community best manifests our faith in One God who is only One but three persons.

In the gospel, Jesus conveys to us two beautiful messages; firstly the message of recognising God's signs in our lives; secondly, the settling of disputes with person concerned rather than taking the matter to the court or to the public discussion.

The first message is concerned about recognising God's signs which can be well explained with the two greek words viz. 'chronos' and 'kairos'. 'Chronos' refers to linear passage of time whereas 'kairos' refers to the appointed time designed by God for His intervention. Jesus reprimands the crowd to fail to recognise God's appointed time in him who has inaugurated the kingdom of God. It's God's appointed time in person which had already begun in Jesus.

The message of the settlement of the matter or dispute among the persons concerned refers to the historical situation of the early Christians who tended to run to the gentile court to settle their disputes. Luke, by emphasising to settle the disputes among themselves, stresses that they should avoid going to the gentile courts against their own fellow men. Let God enlighten them to settle their problems among themselves.

The common problem that is stressed in the gospel passage is the lack of openness of people to accept the message of the kingdom in Jesus and the lack of acceptance of one another among the believers. Jesus invites in the gospel to keep the eyes of faith open to see and recognise the appointed time of God in him and open the hearts to accept one another with their failures and faults.

Dear friends, we belong to a huge community which shares the same faith. However, it's not enough that we share the same faith in Christ but we should build a harmonious and joyful life among ourselves. The first reading reminds that the community of believers is composed of differences and it should be respected and accepted. This is so to manifest our our oneness in Christ. The gospel further makes us understand that differences could also lead to disputes and misunderstandings but that should be the matter to be settled among themselves lest a breach is created in the community by hatred, anger, jealousy etc. In fact, Jesus also says; "Where two or three are gathered in my I am there in their midst." This refers to the praying community that is united in one spirit represents Christ.

We belong to a huge community sharing the same faith, therefore, it's our duty to keep the oneness intact. However, the spirit of oneness must be cultivated right where we are living; in the communities or families. Let's begin by accepting the differences of one another which is definitely challenging and then be ready to settle the disputes and conflicts among ourselves. The unsettled issues can aggravate the situations in the community but settled issues will better the life in the community. If we succeed to build a harmonious and loving community, it's there God's signs will show up in the lives of each one of us.

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