First Reading - Apocalypse 4:1-11

Gospel - Luke 19:11-28

Trust is very important in our relationship. If there is no trust, the relationship can break or that relationship will be shallow. The readings of the day are inviting us to reinforce our trust in the Lord.

In the gospel, we hear a parable like the parable of talents in Matthew. The sense of the parable for Luke must be read off from the introductory sentence prior to the parable regarding the mistaken hypothesis of the disciples to expect the immediate coming of the kingdom of God. The parable is intended to correct their expectations and invite them to focus on their present life; a life trustworthiness. The parable is therefore a part of the instructions for the apostles in their work of spreading the Good News of the coming of the Kingdom: they must persevere and trust in God because they will be judged and rewarded on the basis of their zeal and their efforts resulting from their trust in the master, our Lord.

In the first reading, we find the reflection of trust seen in the worship given to Jesus who is enthroned in heaven in the vision seen by John. Heavenly beings worship and exalt His name. The scene of worship that is presented in the first reading speaks about Jesus as the Lord of heaven and earth, thus he must be given true worship.In the first century, the Christians were persecuted for their defiance the emperor worship. The vision defines Jesus as the true king and the Lord in order to instill hope in Christians in the face of sheer persecution so they may confidently face the harsh situation. The vision was in fact a gentle reminder for the Christians that the true God is not the emperor but Christ who is enthroned in heaven thus faith and trust in him should not be lost or betrayed by worshipping the emperor.

My dear friends, trust is not only a quality but also the basis of better living. We sleep at night with a hope and trust that we will have a new day tomorrow. The servant in the parable was punished because he lacked trust in the master and that's why he did not work. The people in the first reading are encouraged that the Christ is the true God, thus faith and trust in him should not be lost. How about us? We are also encouraged to place our trust in Christ. We are also promised that if we trust in Christ and work, our work may have a better result because He is the Lord of heaven and earth. It's with His knowledge everything comes about. 

May God always strengthen us in our faith.

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