First Reading - Apocalypse 15:1-4

Gospel - Luke 21:12-19

The Church is a pilgrim Church that bears witness to Christ through her life. Today's readings remind us that the Church bears witness of the faith in Christ even through thick and thin. The Church bears witness of her faith in Christ because it inheres sacredness, truth and eternal life.

The first reading is a passage that sings victory of the Lamb by the people who remained faithful to the lamb till their death. The passage throws light on the historical persecution that the Christians had to undergo due to their rejection to worship the emperor. They remained firm till the end and the passage sheds light on the reward of their fedelity for they sing the glory and praise of God in heaven. This passage encourages to remain steadfast in faith in the face of trials and persecutions because the reward of the perseverance will be great eventually.

Today’s Gospel gives Jesus’ prophetic warning to the apostles and disciples about the sufferings they will have to bear for their Faith in Him until his Second Coming. Jesus advises them to bear witness to Him in spite of persecutions and trials in the form of maltreatment, imprisonment, being arraigned before the governors and kings and being betrayed by own relatives and friends. Jesus asks all his disciples to remain bearing witness to him. Jesus also assures all his disciples that all through their trials and sufferings, they will be accompanied by him. It's their endurance through their sufferings in the name of him, Jesus promises his disciples a crown of eternal glory.

This passage also throws light upon the historical situation of the early suffering Church. This passage was an encouragement and hope to the suffering Christians under the oppressive emperors. The passage filled them with hope to endure fierce persecution and suffering and never give in to apostasy.

Dear friends, the Church has ample exemplary figures who understood the sacredness of faith in Jesus and stood firm in the midst of suffering and fierce persecutions. In the first reading, we heard that those who remain faithful to God through trails and struggles of their life, they have the assurance of the promise of life in the victorious king, Jesus. Certainly, the trials and sufferings are hard to bear and are difficult to persevere through them but it's our faith in Jesus and endurance can win God's company all through sufferings and trials as Jesus himself mentions in the gospel - "I myself will give you an eloquence and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to resist or contradict" - and this will eventually make us worthy to recieve eternal life in him. We, as believers, are to bear witness of our faith in Jesus through our works and lives.

The readings also invite us not to give up in the face of struggles, failures, challenges, and difficulties in life. The first reading and even the gospel passage were intended to encourage Christians to learn to persevere and never give up hope. There is always a ray of hope in God. There is always a reward for the life of perseverance. Therefore, the readings are extending an invitation to us to courageously face the situations with endurance because God is with us.

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