First Reading - Hebrews 10:1-10 

Gospel - Mark 3:31-35

We have many social platforms, like, Facebook, WhatsApp, Tweeter etc. but we tend to become less sociable or social. What way? We have less time for those who are around us or with us. The readings of today remind us to consider our social nature as a community or family in the Church, which is to be valued and nourished.

The first reading presents two key ideas; firstly, the comparison of the sacrifices between the sacrifice of Jesus and the sacrifice of the blood of the bulls and goats. The reading underlines that the sacrifice of the blood of bulls and goats was not able to perfect the people for whom they were offered continually, whereas, the sacrifice of the blood of Jesus has perfecting power for the humanity offered once and for all.

Secondly, the passage also underlines that the sacrifices and offerings of the old covenant anticipated the final and sufficient sacrifice of Christ's own body, so too the psalmist in Ps. 40 (quoted in the passage) looked ahead to the coming of the Son to do the will of the Father.

In short, the passage reminds us to hold high the sacrifice of Jesus and the privilege of being those for whom Jesus sacrificed himself. It exhorts us to be always the part of those who realize the great sacrifice of Jesus offered once and for all.

From the gospel passage of today, we can notice many important insights. The family members of Jesus stand outside who came to take control of him ( as the previous verses mention vv. 20-21) but on the other side, we also see the disciples and supporters of Jesus around him and with him. It may seem weird that Mark depicts Jesus disparaging his own family members. What's is happening here? Infact, the real idea behind the scene is to show that the disciples of Jesus will face rejection and persecution even from his own family members and relatives. This pericope does not belittle the family relationship but emphasizes on having a higher priority in relation to the call of discipleship in the light of the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. The gospel lays stress on the priority of the 'spiritual family'. Therefore, it's an invitation of the passage to be around Jesus with the other disciples rather than remain outside outside without Jesus. Furthermore, the passage also reminds, to remain with Jesus and around Jesus is only possible if we treasure and live according to the teachings of Jesus and according to the will of the Father.

Dear friends, it's a great challenge for us to be with Jesus. Why it's a challenge? Because to be with Jesus means to be convinced that he is the priority and the teachings he has proposed are the ways to live our lives daily. This means, it demands a change from us and a shift of life from worldly standard. The first reading reminds us that he sacrificed himself for us, that means, we were his priority and goal of his life according to the will of the Father. On our part, to be with Jesus requires to choose the teachings of Jesus as our priority and goal of our lives according to the will of the Father. 

The gospel reminds us to value the spiritual family (community) to which we belong. The spiritual family is the believing church. We are the part of a greater family that includes everyone. However, temptation to exclude ourselves from this family means to seclude ourselves from Jesus. Jesus firmly says it: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am in there midst." This is our church gathered in the name of Christ. Hence, fidelity to the spiritual family keeps us always closer to Jesus.

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