First Reading - Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19 

Gospel - Mark 4:35-41

Faith and trust are indispensable virtues that we need in our relationship with one another. In the same way, they also are required in our relationship with God. The readings of today invite us to grow in the virtue of faith and trust in God in order to strengthen our relationship with Him and recieve His mercy and blessings in our lives.

The first reading gives a brief definition of faith. It explains the sublimity of faith which is penetrating the unseen and having hopeful confidence in the blessings of God. The definition of faith further elaborated with the example of Abraham, the epitome of faith. The passage illustrates the illustrious example of faith shown by Abraham from the time he was called to believe in God to the time he was tested in his faith and till the end of his life. Abraham believed in the things unseen and believed in the blessings God had promised which was seemingly impossible. In fact, this nature of faith, we are also encouraged to possess.

The gospel of today presents a well known account of the calming of sea by Jesus. The disturbance of the boat by the gale and waves symbolizes troublesome time of the disciples due to the persecution where Jesus seems to be insensitive and least mindful. The passage reminds all believers that Jesus is never least mindful or insensitive towards all but he cares for all; They need to trust and believe in him that he has the power over everything which is demonstrated by the calming of turbulent sea. The sea was thought by Jews as the abode of evil spirits and by calming of the sea, Jesus demonstrates that he has power over evil forces and even our miserable situations, from which, he can liberate us. We need to learn to trust in Jesus in all situations.

Dear friends, faith is a constant march towards God. The example of Abraham, as cited in the first reading, reveals that faith is constant journey and that's the reason Abraham was tested in his faith but he proved himself. It's our too. We need to withstand every test of faith we undergo in any form. The strong faith of Abraham was the result of his convinction that he was learnt all through his life. Let's emulate Abraham in his convinction of faith.

The gospel tells us that we need to learn to trust in God however bad may be our situation. Our trust in Jesus can sail us through any bad situation of our lives. It's in trust, we have to approach Him in the Sacraments that we participate and even in our daily life. At times, Jesus seems to be insensitive to our needs and problems but in fact He never abandons us. Let's call out to Him in faith and things will become easier and bearable.

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