First Reading - Wisdom 2:1,12-22

Gospel - John 7:1-2,10,25-30

All must have heard this saying: "Dare to be different." This saying sums up our readings of today as Christian life is a daring life in the world.

The first reading highlights the difference between the godly and the ungodly. The godly or righteous refer to the Jews (It can also mean any righteous person) and the unrighteous refer to the gentile nation. The author is keen to segregate the chosen ones (faithful Jews) from others and strikes some differences between the faithful Jews and others; as faithful Jews believed in One God unlike other nations, lived a righteous life, and desired to please God by carrying out what God expected from them. The life of the faithful Jews, in the hostile nations surrounding them, was never easy as others wanted to taunt and persecute them so that the faithful ones would be forced to join them in their faith and practices (This refers to the persecution faced by the faithful Jews of Alexandria by the renegades and their gentile allies). Ultimately, the author asserts that the unrighteous will have to face the consequences of their actions from God and the righteous will be rewarded for their righteous deeds. The author of wisdom also highlights the all time story of the righteous person who becomes a pinch for the unrighteous people as his/her life opposes them and stands in contrast to their life and belief.

The gospel passage continues with the opposition of the Jews against Jesus. The passage indicates the intensification of the hatred and opposition of the Jews towards Jesus as he comes to Jerusalem for the feast and reveals his own origin from God. People seemed to be watchful on him as many were waiting to see him and the reactions of the leaders on his coming to the temple. Jesus fearlessly comes to the temple and teaches there. The opposition and hatred do not dissuade him from speaking the truth of himself and revealing his identity.

Dear friends, it's easy to swim with the current but difficult to swim against the current. The readings are posing a challenge to our Christian life against the proposals of the world. A faithful Christian life stands in headlong opposition with the worldly beliefs, views, teachings, and projects. The first reading lays it bare that the righteous life stands out among treacherous life but God rewards the righteous for the righteousness. Jesus faced opposition and hatred but didn't stop from speaking the truth that manifests his righteousness. We are called to the righteous life that doesn't swing with the majority but truth and righteousness. It's easy to compromise with evil and survive but that doesn't give meaning to our life as Christians as Jesus didn't compromise with the opposition and hatred in order to just survive but kept on doing what was right and that which gave meaning to his purpose of coming on this earth.

The first reading and the gospel warn us that the truthful or righteous life will have to pay the price for it as it stands out and opposes the unrighteous life or untruthful life. However, the first reading assures that it's because of the perseverance in righteousness, God will reward us.

Let's pray that God may help us live a righteous life or a true Christian life.

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