First Reading - Daniel 13:1-62

Gospel - John 8:12-20

'Light' is a beautiful symbolism because it permeates positivity, hope, and joy. Today the readings are inviting us to follow Christ, who is the true Light, by spreading kingdom values in and around us.

In the gospel, we see Jesus in confrontation with the Pharisees. It was the first night of the Jewish Festival of the Tabernacles (Festival of Booths), and Jesus was standing in the Court of the Women in the Temple courtyard in Jerusalem. It was evening, and Jesus was facing the huge blaze of light from the two colossal golden lamp stands, on which, as was customary for this evening, hung a multitude of lamps, lighted after the evening sacrifice. The light would brighten the whole city of Jerusalem. Suddenly Jesus made the controversial claim, “I am the Light of the World,” which was saying that, like Yahweh, Jesus was the Light of the world. This claim was seen by the scribes and Pharisees as his making himself equal to God (blasphemy), for Jews associated the word light with God. (The Lord is my Light (Psalm 27:1). The Lord will be your everlasting Light (Isaiah 60:19). When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a Light to me (Micah 7:8)).

The light of God is made manifest in the story of Susanah, who was unjustly accused of adultery by the elders who wanted to take advantage of her. The story has two important linchpins; the cry of Susanah and the response to her prayer by God in rousing the holy spirit in Daniel. The cry of Susanah symbolises the cry of a faithful woman (faithful to her marriage covenant). It is in her faithfulness, she cries out to God. God responds to her prayer, by raising Daniel to liberate her from the false accusations and condemnation. Daniel, a young lad, but responsive to the promptings of God, re-investigates the case and proves Susanah guiltless and convicts the elders who accused Susanah falsely.

This story reveals that those who walk in the light of God, are never betrayed by God. Daniel and Susanah represent the symbolism of walking in the light of God; Susanah, by being faithful to her marital covenant, consequently remained faithful to God and Daniel, in whom holy spirit rested, listened to God's promptings. 

Dear friends, Jesus uses the symbolism of light to show that he shows the path to the Father as the light shows the way. He furthermore invites us to follow him in order to walk in the light and reach the Father, our destination. Through the first reading, we can garner, how to follow Jesus in his light; It's by remaining faithful to our commitment to God like Susanah. We have made our commitment to God through our baptismal promises and the Sacraments. Though our commitment to God, we also have promised that we will always walk the path that Jesus has shown us. Our faithfulness to the way, Jesus has shown us, will never deceive us to reach our goal. Just as Susanah didn't compromise with her faithfulness so also we are to remain faithful to God and our commitment to Him.

The young Daniel stands for the one who is ready to act on behalf of God as the person walking in the light of Christ. We are to act on behalf of God to perpetuate justice, peace, joy, equality and other kingdom values taught by Jesus. The one who is in the light of Christ can't walk in the darkness of injustice, revenge, hatred, envy, anger and dissention rather will always promote kingdom values like Daniel. Our life is the best example to evaluate whether we are walking in darkness or light?

Let's pray that Christ's light may pervade the universe with goodness and kingdom values.

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