First Reading - Acts 4:23-31

Gospel - John 3:1-8

We all wish to be heard. To meet this, some express themselves to be heard in different ways (by shouting, protesting, advertising, demonstrating etc.) but there are still others who remain calm, yet expect to be heard. The readings of the day assure us that our Lord is ready and hear us, provided we are open to Him to express our thoughts, desires and difficulties.

The gospel passage presents a discourse between Jesus and Nicodemus. The passage gives some interesting facts about Nicodemus that; he was a Pharisee, a leading Jew and lastly he came to Jesus by night. The facts about Nicodemus underline that he was a potential disciple of Jesus but fearful and still in ignorance (symbolized by his coming by night). Nicodemus expresses his trust in Jesus that he affirms his belief that Jesus is someone very especial and God's hand is with him. But Jesus leads him to understand that to see God's work in him fully realized it is vital that one should be born in the Holy Spirit or marked by the Holy Spirit (baptism) which is also compared with the rebirth. Jesus makes it clear that the kingdom of God is made visible to those who have welcomed the Holy Spirit through the sacrament of baptism because through this sacrament the Holy Spirit directs and guides the person to see God's ways.

The first reading is packed with great emotions. A threatening account presented by Peter and John, sparks trustful sentiments of the community. They don't brood over by sitting and discussing about it rather they present their anxieties to God so that God would show them a way. And God responds to the prayer of the community by filling everyone with the Holy Spirit in order to carry out the Word of God boldly.

Dear friends, the common characteristic in both the readings is that the involvement of the Holy Spirit. In the gospel, Jesus underscores that decipher God's ways and enter the kingdom of God, we need the assistance of the Holy Spirit. It's the Holy Spirit that makes the words of Jesus understandable to live it daily in our lives and assists us to prepare ourselves for our heavenly journey. The first reading is a visible demonstration of the aid of the Holy Spirit in encouraging the community to continue to carry out the work of proclamation boldly. This is an example for us those who have been baptized and anointed with the Holy Spirit to call out to Him in our needs. When we encounter doubts, fear, anxiety or some other difficulties, we should also approach the Lord for help rather than brooding over it and worsening our situation all the more. It's in such moments, we need the assistance of God in prayer to find out what He wills for me for that situation. 

Let's pray that the Lord may respond to our needs with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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