First Reading - Acts 5:27-33

Gospel - John 3:31-36

"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" is the catch phrase of the wisdom writings. The 'fear of the Lord' here refers to the obedience of the commandment of God or this also can be said as obedience to God. The readings of today invite us to the obedience to God.

In the first reading, we hear about the bold proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus by the apostles. Yesterday, we heard, how miraculously they were released from the prison and today's episode continues with their fearless preaching about the risen Jesus as the leader and Saviour who gives repentance and forgiveness of sins for the people. They seem so convinced of their message that they are not afraid of even the Sanhedrin that was vehemently opposing them. The apostles openly condemn the leaders for killing Jesus. In doing everything so courageously, they choose to obey God rather than become afraid of human threats or opposition. They are also confident that by their obedience to God they will receive the Holy Spirit who guides and directs them. The choice of the apostles for the obedience of God seems the most pleasing to them than anything else. They indeed recognised the obedience to God as the message of the risen Christ which was guided by the Holy Spirit and they were to obey Him alone.

The gospel passage gives the testimony of John the Baptist about Jesus. John the Baptist clarifies his disciples about the identity of Jesus who opposed the baptizing of Jesus, for they thought, he was imitating him. However, John puts it straight that Jesus is from God as referred to by 'from above' or 'from heaven', therefore, he confirmes it that his testimony is superior to all because he comes from God. However, the testimony of Jesus is not always accepted by many people but those who accept and obey him recieve the Holy Spirit and eternal life in him.

Dear friends, the commonality of both the readings coalesce into one single unit; acceptance and obedience to God. The apostles preferred to obey God as the ones who accepted the testimony of Jesus as mentioned in the gospel. Who do we choose to accept and obey? The obedience to God shows the conviction of life as seen in apostles and the promise of the Holy and eternal life in Jesus. We are called to give obedience to God by our faith and life: By our faith means, showing great conviction in the message and promise of Jesus and; by life means, living the life according to the demands of Jesus from us. 

We see many people prefer to give obedience to their inclinations, worldly standards and values etc. Their obedience to such things may give them success and a big name but cannot give any promise of eternal life nor the assurance of convinced life. The conviction and the assurance of the fulfillment of promises come by giving obedience to God or by living our life according to the manner God expects from us.

May the Spirit inspire us always to give obedience to God alone.

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