First Reading - Genesis 18:1-15Gospel - Matthew 8:5-17
Following the Sermon on the Mount in which Jesus laid out the program for his Messianic Mission to the lost sheep of the House of Israel, he headed for Capernaum, healing a leper on the way. Ente…
First Reading - Genesis 17:9-10,15-22Gospel - Matthew 8:1-4
Today’s Gospel describes Jesus healing a leper as soon as he had finished his Sermon on the Mount and come down the mountain. In those days, all skin diseases were considered leprosy, and l…
The Solemnity of St. Peter and St. PaulFirst Reading - Acts 12:1-11Second Reading - 2 Timothy 4:6-18Gospel - Matthew - 16:13-19
Today we honour two great pillars of the Church who worked strenuously for the spread of the Church even at the cost of th…
First Reading - Genesis 15:1-12,17-18Gospel - Matthew 7:15-20
We have certainly heard this idiom:"Easy to say, hard to do." This idiom tells us about the dichotomy of life, where we say something but fail to do that. The readings of today i…
First Reading - Genesis 13:2,5-18 Gospel - Matthew 7:6,12-14
The readings of today teach us that we should always respect and honour holy things because they manifest holiness of God. Jesus advises his listeners to use holy things in a holy manner. Th…
First Reading - Genesis 12:1-9 Gospel - Matthew 7:1-5
It's easy to notice a spot in a white sheet of paper. This is to say, a mistake or any fuss of a person projects out glaringly. We do notice them and at times become rash in passing comments.…
First Reading - Jeremiah 20:10-13 Second Reading - Romans 5:12-15 Gospel - Matthew 10:26-33
An elderly woman named Maude had a window seat on a big 747 jetliner that had just taken off for Rome from New York. She had been saving for years to fulfill…
THE NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTISTFirst Reading - Isaiah 49:1-6Second Reading - Acts 13:22-26Gospel - Luke 1:57-66,80
Aristotle says:"The unexamined life is not worth living." This means we need to always examine our life in order to make…
First Reading - 2 Corinthians 11:18,21-30
Gospel - Matthew 6:19-23
Power, money, and pleasure drive people crazy. They are enticing and seductive. Many make them goal and purpose of their lives. The readings of today remind us to make spiritual trea…
First Reading - 2 Corinthians 11:1-11
Gospel - Matthew 6:7-15
Aristotle says: "Human being is a social animal." This means we need a society or a family to grow and develop holistically. It's our need. However, this need is all the mor…
First Reading - 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 Gospel - Matthew 6:1-6,16-18
It's said: "A smile is infectious and contagious." It means, a genuine smile can cause others to smile as well. One of our core Christian values is generosity which can b…
First Reading - 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 Gospel - Matthew 5:43-48
'Love' is often equated with a feeling. The readings of today remind us that 'love' is more than any feeling, it's a mode of life for every Christian. Love is manifeste…
First Reading - 2 Corinthians 6:1-10 Gospel - Matthew 5:38-42
When we think of gifts, what comes to our mind is a present or any thing. We rarely think of the gifts that we have received as Christians. They are certainly spiritual in nature but are l…
First Reading - Exodus 19:2-6 Second Reading - Romans 5:6-11 Gospel - Matthew 9:36-10:8
There is a legend about a little fish who overheard fishermen say that a fish needed water to live. The little fish became worried and started hunting for water.…
First Reading - 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 Gospel - Luke 2:41-51
We have many spiritual practices in the Church which are geared to bring out changes in our spiritual life, like; retreats, recollections, daily prayers, reading of the Bible etc. They are m…
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
First Reading - Deuteronomy 7:6-11 Second Reading - 1 John 4:7-16 Gospel - Matthew 11:25-30
A heart has been symbolically used to signify love. As we celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the readings conc…
First Reading - 2 Corinthians 3:15-4:1,3-6 Gospel - Matthew 5:20-26
We all get angry and anger as an emotion is not bad but it must be managed well. Infact, the emotion of anger has a lot of energy and that energy is to be tapped in a healthy way. T…
First Reading - 2 Corinthians 3:4-11
Gospel - Matthew 5:17-19
Today’s Gospel passage, taken from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, presents Jesus as giving the highest compliments to the Mosaic Law. These words of Jesus which Matthew reports touched the co…
First Reading - 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 Gospel - Matthew 5:13-16
The gospel passage mentions two essential elements: salt and light. They are important for us. However, they too have spiritual implications as we come across through the gospel. In the t…