First Reading - Tobit 1:3,2:1-8

Gospel - Mark 12:1-12

The saying of St. Teresa of Kolkata stands valid, as it says:"We are not called to the successful but faithful." Faithfulness certainly paves the way to success as well. The readings of today invite us to the life of faithfulness to our responsibility, to our commitment, and to our life at large.

The first reading presents to us a tale of a family which is guided and rewarded by the Lord for careful observance of the Law. This is the story of Tobit. The opening lines specifically highlight the faithfulness of Tobit to the Law: His faithfulness is seen in his observing of the Jewish feast of Pentecost, the giving of arms to the needy and burying of the dead which was a pious work for a Jew. He risks his life to do that pious work. He prefers the observance of the Law to shirking from the Law. Tobit represents the model of a perfect and responsible Jew.

The gospel passage tells an allegorical parable of the vineyard. The parable of the vineyard is laden with insightful meanings. Jesus presents this parable: firstly, to reprimand the leaders of Israel; and secondly, to remind us about our responsibility. In the first place, Jesus reprimands the leaders as is symbolised by the irresponsibility of the tenants ('vine' was a symbolic image of 'Israel or people of Israel' and 'tenants' stands for the religious leaders to whose care people were given by God) who failed to discharge their duty faithfully; and to worsen the situation, maltreated and killed the messengers (prophets) and heir (Jesus) of the landlord. Jesus states that the fate of such irresponsible people will be a wicked end and the responsibility of the vineyard will be entrusted to others. This also points to a new community of believers (Christians) who will believe in Jesus and live accordingly (This refers to their responsibility). This parable of the vineyard emerges as a hope for potential believers as they also can be saved in Jesus by believing and living according to the teachings of Jesus. This leads us to believe that God transforms our adverse situations of life to great advantage, as the adverse situation (unfaithfulness of the Jews) becomes an occasion for many to believe in Jesus and be saved in him.

Dear friends, we need to be responsible and faithful to the task we are entrusted with. Any kind of unfaithfulness and irresponsibility towards our duty is displeasing to God. God was displeased with the leaders because they failed to discharge their duty faithfully. We are also given specific responsibility or duty; as students study is our duty, as professionals our jobs will be our responsibility, and as believers living our faith will be our responsibility etc. We need to carry out our duty faithfully, however small or big may that be. This way we can please God and become accountable to Him.

Let's pray that we may always learn to be accountable and faithful believers of Jesus.

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