💖 HOMILY - JULY 13 💖

First Reading - Genesis 44:18-29;45:1-5

Gospel - Matthew 10:7-15

We are living in a world where we want to live a secured life. We make it secure by possessing all the things possible that will make our lives comfortable. They have become our primary concern. However, the readings of the day invite us to make God's kingdom our primary concern and place our trust in the providence of Him.

The first reading presents a beautiful example of the trust of Joseph in the providence of God. He realised, when the famine struck all the lands on the face of the earth, that God especially designed a role for him so that he could protect his kith and kin from the famine. Indeed, prior to arriving at this juncture, he had to undergo trials in his lives.

The gospel presents commissioning of the disciples to teach, preach, and heal and thereby proclaim God's kingdom (Matthew uses kingdom of heaven to avoid the name of God out of reverence). However, Jesus exhorts them not to carry extra tunics, purse or sandals on their way; to show that they should trust in the providence of God for they are the envoys of God. Jesus also tells them to rely on the provisions people provide them during their stay in different places. In everything, the disciples were to depend on God and others rather than their own resources and capabilities.

Dear friends, we are the disciples of Christ and we also have the commission from Him to proclaim His kingdom by bringing wholeness in the lives of people. At times, we are so much preoccupied with other concerns of our lives that we rarely focus on our duty as Christians and disciples of Jesus. Jesus invites us today to make His kingdom our primary concern, investing every talent and gift we have received in it, and rely on Him because God will take care of our other concerns.

May God help us to rely on His providence.

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