💖 HOMILY - JULY 15 💖

First Reading - Genesis 49:29-33, 50:15-26

Gospel - Matthew 10:24-33

We must have had, in some point of time in our lives, the experience of fear. Perhaps, the experience of fear, which we had, was so disturbing that we became restless and night became sleepless. Oh, what are those days! The readings of the day are inviting us to overcome the feeling of fear and courageously live our lives.

The first reading draws the fearful experience of the brothers of Joseph after the death of Jacob, their father. They were afraid that Joseph would take revenge on them for their ill-treatment to him. They, out of fear, under the pretext of instruction of the dying father to forgive them, approached Joseph with the news of their father's death. Joseph forgives them all. 

In the gospel, Jesus exhorts his disciples not to be afraid, for God is the in-charge of our lives and has authority to save us and destroy us. Matthew, in the passage, implicitly presents the situation of the persecuted Christians who were frightened of the fierce persecution and malevolence, thus, some gave up their faith (apostasy). Matthew, through the words of Jesus, strengthens the believers to withstand the persecution and malevolence. He emphasizes that God cares for them because they are precious to Him.

My dear friends, the experience of fear is no way strange to us but the question is posed to us - what are we afraid of? People, situation or things - everything will pass. We should have our primary fear to save ourselves from eternal damnation. Fear can only withdraw us to the corner from the given situation like many believers who compromised with their faith and some who gave up their faith during the persecution but there were some who, with daring faith in the risen Christ who is present with every believer, (who has power over everything) sailed through all situations. 

We are invited by the readings to proclaim Christ and His teachings to all with courage. Our proclamation is a proof of our courageous acknowledgement of Christ in our lives, hence, Christ will also acknowledge us in return before His Father in heaven. We are to courageously unravel the teachings of Jesus - firstly through our lives; words and actions. Secondly, by exuding daring and courageous faith in every circumstance.

May God help us become courageous in faith.

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