First Reading - Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Gospel - Matthew 18:15-20

It's easy to spot a black mark on a white cloth. It is to say to find mistakes in others is easier but to correct and redress that becomes a bit difficult. The readings of the day invite us to go beyond the mistakes of others and help them correct those mistakes. This is our Christian value.

The first reading presents a sad scene of the death of Moses. He is prohibited by the Lord to enter the promised land, perhaps due to his lack of faith in God at Miribah and his failure to give glory to God before His people. Why so, for Moses enjoyed God's friendship? It's because to whom much is given, much is expected. Moses saw God, talked to God and God revealed Himself to him, still Moses displayed lack of faith. However, God does not abandon him but shows him the promised land. Moses completes his journey by reaching the people to the promised land. He guided, corrected and brought them to the promised land.

The gospel of the day has important underpinnings. Firstly, the responsibility of the community to win back the weak members to the community again. Secondly, the authority of the community, vested by Christ to forgive sins here on earth, has the effect in heaven as well. Thirdly, the presence of Christ in the community is ascertained for Jesus says - "Where two or three are gathered in my name I am in their midst."

The main thrust of the role of the community is to win back the lost members to the fold because Jesus resides in the community. It simply means to go away from the community is to go away from Jesus himself. Jesus is present in the praying community and in the role and responsibility of the community as well. 

Dear friends, we are living in a world where sectarianism, individualism, and hedonism seem to surface strongly. They can only divide us into fragments and exclude us from one another. In this case, we have a great challenge to overcome such barriers. The first reading emphasized the role of Moses to lead the people to the promised land, although he could not enter there. However, he journeyed with the people in their failures and corrected them. Consequently, he managed to lead them to the promised land. In the gospel, the emphasis of the role of the community is to lead everyone to the right direction and when failures occur from individuals, correct them so that they are won back for God. Both the readings teach us that It's also our collective responsibility now not to live a secluded life in an individualistic way but become the part of the vibrant part of the praying community. They also teach us not to just ignore the faults of others because that don't harm us but let's take a chance to correct the faults of one another in mercy and humility, so that that person is won back for God and not be lost.

May God help us work together to seek His will in our lives as community.

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