πŸ’– HOMILY - AUGUST 18 πŸ’–

First Reading - Joshua 24:1-13

Gospel - Matthew 19:3-12

We make choices in lives. Ever since we rise in the morning, we make our choice till we retire to bed. The choices that we make are very often according to our comfort but sometimes contrary to our comfort due to distrustful situations. The readings of today invite us to make every effort to choose God in our lives. The choice of God in our lives may be uncomfortable but will certainly turn comfortable later.
The first reading is a valedictory speech of Joshua narrating a brief history of the people of Israel. This brief history underlines persistent love of God for the Israelites right from the beginning of the call of Abraham. The faithfulness of God perseveres throughout the history but deviation from faithfulness is shown on the part of Israelites. Despite all this, God remains faithful and leads them to the promised land. God shows his faithfulness by leading, guiding and fighting against the enemies of Israelites. Hence, Joshua demands from the people to choose between the God who has walked and cared for them untill now or choose other gods of their ancestors or surrounding nations.
The gospel of the day branches out into two important themes: the issue of divorce and the issue of consecrated life. In the first case, the Pharisees turn up to Jesus with an issue of divorce - whether it's lawful or not? The answer of Jesus affirms the sanctity of marriage and the original plan of God regarding marriage. The sanctity of marriage is kept intact by discouraging divorce. Any divorce can separate the two spouses but that will dissolve the purpose and sanctity of marriage. Therefore, Jesus affirms that the purpose of marriage, as willed by God, is not to promote division but unison of two souls that complement each other. However, Jesus addes "exception clause" which is found only in Matthew. The expectation as mentioned by Jesus refers to the Matthean community that had an aberration of marriage within the close blood relation (consanguinity) which is to be avoided, thus the point of Jesus is not to promote divorce anyway but to dissolve the relationship that is contrary to marriage. Thus, the emphasis of Jesus is to accept the original plan of God about marriage.
In the second case, Jesus explains with a crude example of eunuch about the consecrated life. The consecrated life is a choice more than imposition. It's a choice of an individual to consecrate oneself to God completely by forgoing marriage. This is a gift from God and the reward for the gift is the kingdom of heaven. 
Dear friends, the choices that we make are often directed to one's benefits. The choices that we desire to make, we expect, should be convenient and better for us. Whether It's regarding our work, food, clothing or entertainment etc., the primary aim is our comfort and happiness than of others. The readings invite us to choose God in our lives. It means God should become the primary choice in everything. In the first reading, Joshua narrated the history before the people of Israel about the perseverance and care of God. Hence, it was now their turn to choose that God who cared and walked with them or other gods. This is also our invitation to choose that God who cares and loves us or be confined to oneself. If it's God who becomes choice of everything then the goal of our lives will be to please Him. How can we do so? Or is it possible? It's indeed possible by trying to carry out to do the will of God. As Jesus emphasizes in the gospel about the will of God about marriage, so also God has a plan for us and our lives. Hence by striving to know the plan of God and choose to do that, will certainly please God. Secondly, It's by making God's kingdom as the way of our lives, we will certainly choose God and please Him.
May God become our choice of life.

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