First Reading - Exodus 40:16-21,34-38 

Gospel - Matthew 13:47-53

It's a reality that many of us don't find much difference between yesterday and today. The difference that I speak about is not about the day but the kind of life we live. When we examine, we can find that the kind of life we lived yesterday, the same way we continue to live. There is no effort to bring a difference in our lives; to better it everyday. The readings of today invite us to bring a difference in our lives everyday by our choice.

The first reading narrates the episode of the establishment of the tabernacle according to the instruction of God to Moses. The tabernacle was a portable temple which was built in the wilderness by the Israelites after they were freed from Egypt. It was the first temple dedicated to God and the first resting place of the ark of the covenant as is also depicted in the passage. One can easily notice that the presence of God rested on the tabernacle in the form of clouds. This reveals a very specific feature of the temple that is dedicated to God that God fills the temple with His presence and makes Himself present to the humanity so that they can relate to Him.

In the gospel passage, Jesus recounts the parable of dragnet. The dragnet presents a beautiful example of impartial catch of the fish: good or bad. This also paves the way to perceive that God treats everyone with impartiality and patience whether a person is good or bad. It's the choice of the person to better oneself everyday. The parable also reminds about the separation of the good fish from the bad as the final judgement where everyone will be rewarded according to one's life.

Dear friends, God does not cast the eyes of partiality on anyone. At times, it may appear very partial but even at that point God's great plan lies ahead for the person. Therefore, we need to keep ourselves always close to God in every situation. The first reading is a reminder for us that God takes initiative to remain close to us. He fills His house with His presence so that we could approach His presence in His house, the Church. Let's never miss any occasion to fill ourselves with the presence of God whenever we visit any church to pray. Let's believe that God dwells in the church and become always excited to encounter Him here.

Let's remind ourselves that God desires that we should become better persons everyday. This is the reason, He patiently waits for the evil ones to turn to Him. Our choice to be better everyday in our dealings with others, in our spiritual life and in our personal life will certainly drive us to remain good before God.

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