First Reading - 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13

Gospel - Matthew 23:27-32

Leadership is an important role and this finds a relevant and edifying place when it's exemplary. The readings of the day invite to assume a role of leadership which is exemplary and edifying for others.

In the first reading, St. Paul continues to cite his example as a leader, who has set an example for the Christians in Thessalonika. He exemplifies this in two ways: firstly, by his hard work. He states that he worked day and night so that he would not become a burden to others (community). Secondly, he also cared for every individual as a father by teaching, encouraging and appealing to the people to live life worthy of God. The response to this exemplary action of Paul had a positive outcome because people sensed or felt a true vibration or resonance of faith.

The gospel continues with the last two denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees by Jesus. The last two condemnation includes: firstly, immoral or scandalous life under the guise of purity and religious piety. Secondly, the confirmation of their morbid ancestry of killing of God's prophets ultimately leading them to kill Jesus. 

Jesus compares them with whitewashed tombs. Ritually, Jews used to whitewash their tombs thrice in a year for different feasts. The purpose was to warn the visitors, coming from outside Jerusalem, of the tombs, lest they step them and become impure to enter the temple. The metaphor of tomb used by Jesus was to sarcastically condemn the Scribes and Pharisees of their immoral and hypocritical religious piety that appeared apparently clean and holy like whitewashed tomb but inside lied a rottenness of life. The second condemnation also carries the same weight of accusations. Jesus associates the Scribes and Pharisees with their ancestors who killed the prophets so are they. Jesus gives allusion to his killing by them towards the end of the reading.

Dear friends we are presented with the contrasting figures of leadership; one by Paul and the other one by the Scribes and Pharisees. The contrast lies in the way they lead people. On the one hand, Paul leads the people by his own exemplary life; on the other side, the Scribes and Pharisees fail to show an example of life - what becomes evident is their pretentious life of religious piety and duplicity.

We also lead and guide many people in our lives. As religious, we guide people to the spiritual life by offering guidance through our life and teachings of the Church; as parents, we guide our children by setting an example of moral and spiritual life and by our instructions; as guardian and teachers, we guide and lead people by our spiritual and moral guidance; as friends, we guide and lead our companions through our suggestions and life as well. Hence, the role of leadership is not confined to only one section of people but includes all. We all are leaders by the very fact we guide and lead others. The role of leadership impacts others when it is exemplified in the life of the leader who leads, guides and instructs. As we carry out this role in our lives, may we be able to guide, teach, instruct and help others by being an example to people as St. Paul did and avoid only being instructors or hypocritical like the Scribes and Pharisees. It is said:"Action speaks louder than words." It means our exemplary life is a witness of what we are.

May God help us become exemplary and true leaders.

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