First Reading - Numbers 12:1-13

Gospel - Matthew 14:22-36

God cares for His chosen ones. We at times feel lonely and abandoned but God never deserts us, come what may. The readings of the day fill us with assurance of God's care for his chosen ones and his chosen people.

The first reading gives a very strange account of opposition faced by Moses. It was so far evident that Moses had been experiencing oppositions and criticisms from his people but it worsened it when the band was joined by his close associates Miriam, his sister and Aaron, his brother. They were against the marriage of Moses contracted with a Cuhsite or Midianite. However, God comes to attest the role of Moses as the person who has won His favour because he was the humblest man and God revealed to him whatever He desired to communicate to people. He enjoyed God's friendship. Since, Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, Miriam was punished by the Lord with leprosy. This is how God came to the assistance of Moses, His chosen servant.

In the gospel, we come across a miraculous scene of walking on the water by Jesus. This scene accounts two implications: firstly, Jesus demonstrates his divine power by walking on the water. The sea was considered to be the seat of evil, hence evil forces could be expected in the form of turmoil and storms, as believed by Jews. By walking on the water and calming the sea, Jesus showed authority over the evil forces. Secondly, the whole episode demands belief in Jesus, for Jesus can sail us through all turmoils and tragedies of our lives. This can be beautifully demonstrated by the action of Peter who asked Jesus to allow him to walk on the water. He could walk as long as not frightened by the surging storm. He started to sink after seeing the terrifying storm. Ultimately Jesus extends his hand and saves Peter.

This account presents the historical turmoil the Church was undergoing. Usually, the boat is used as a symbol of the church. Hence, the boat in the midst of storm refers to the turmoil that was felt in the Church and the lack of faith experienced by some due to persecutions and difficulties in the community. This account gave the assurance to the people that it is Jesus who is the answer and solution to every difficult situation and disheartening soul. It is faith in Jesus that can reinvigorate the soul and empower the persons to face every situation because he has power over evil.

Dear friends, the God has authority over everything, provided we don't lose heart. When we are faced with difficulties, failures and tragedies of our lives, the usual reaction of ours is pessimism and brokenness of life. Such situations can become a stepping step to march forward, if we give Jesus a place in our lives. Just as Peter could walk on the water as long as he looked at Jesus, that shows his faith, but began to sink after losing sight of Jesus. Similarly, if we look at Jesus and trust that God is with us, the difficulties will cease and we will come victorious over all bitter situations of our lives.

The second lesson the readings give us is to remain humble before God, like Moses. Moses was the favoured one but he remained humble before God even in the face of oppositions and criticisms from his people. As a result, God acted on his behalf. The virtue of humility before God allows God to act on our behalf. Eventually, It is faith in God that makes us humble before Him.

May God increase our faith to grow humble before Him.

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