First Reading - Isaiah 22:19-23 

Second Reading - Romans 11:33-36 

Gospel - Matthew 16:13-20

We may remember that the first question that we were asked when we started going to catechism was: why did God create us? On that occasion we were taught that "God created us (he put us on this earth) to know him, love him, serve him and thus reach Heaven" (CCC, n. 1721). The readings of the day remind us of the same thing we must know and recognize Jesus in order to love and serve him and reach Heaven.

The first reading contains the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah. The prophet tells Shebna that the Lord has dismissed him due to his inability to perform his duty as steward or ruler. On the other hand, Eliakim is instead chosen to lead and govern the people. Like Eliakim's mission, Peter too is entrusted by Jesus in the Gospel with the task of leading the Church.

The pericope of the Gospel consists of two parts: the first deals with Peter's confession, the second deals with the primacy of Peter. The story is set in the region of Caesarea Philippi, in pagan territory. This place had many temples dedicated to pagan gods and even to the emperor Augustus. In this context, Jesus asks his disciples what people say about him and what they themselves say about him. The disciples give many answers about what people say about him. Peter, however, representing all the others, replies to Jesus that they consider him the Christ, the Son of the living God. Peter manages to recognize Jesus as the One who truly comes from God and not to confuse him with others. This is why Jesus appreciates Peter and entrusts him with a very important role in the Church to lead people to Heaven.

The second reading recounts the wisdom of God, incomprehensible to the human mind. Paul, however, invites us to praise God for everything. Paul's intention is to invite everyone to accept God's wisdom at work in our lives because God is in control of everything.

Dear friends, as Christians, it is very important to find out what the person of Jesus means to me? Do we really recognize the person of Jesus in our lives? If we don't recognize him as our Messiah, our relationship with Jesus will weaken. If we don't recognize Him as the Divine Person, other gods or people will replace Him. For this reason, like Peter, it is important to recognize Jesus as our Messiah and our God.

When we recognize Jesus, it will help us find Jesus in the Church because He is the head of the Church. We will also be willing to join the Church because it accompanies us into the Kingdom of God. Jesus entrusts Peter with the care of his Church and passes it on to his successors. Our fidelity to the Church is important because it leads us to Christ. Our infidelity and our refusal will certainly distance us from the Church and ultimately also from Christ.

We pray to know, love and serve Jesus.

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