First Reading - Colossians 2:6-15

Gospel - Luke 6:12-19

Everyone lives his or her life according to one's philosophy. If the philosophy of life that we choose to live is very worldly or shallow then our life will be materialistic and with no direction but if the philosophy of our life is well grounded on the solid foundation, then the direction of our lives will become unshakeable and steady. The readings of the day invite us to introspect the kind of philosophy determines our life; to check if it's well grounded on the solid foundation.
St. Paul, in the first reading, encourages the Christians in Colossae to be well grounded in Christ. He exhorts that the Christians should make Christ as the foundation of their lives. What does he mean by "being rooted in Christ"? He means that every believer should become strong in faith in Christ. This phrase also implies that Christ is the source of our lives and by remaining connected to him we have life and apart from him we have no life, like the plant which is sustained by being rooted in the soil, so also our sustenance is grounded in him.
Paul beautifully explains, how our rootedness in Christ transpires. He states, it is by our baptism by which we participate in the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. It's by our baptism we are incorporated into the paschal mystery (passion, death, resurrection and ascension) of Christ and are grounded in him. It's in this baptism, we are purified and made anew. It is in our baptism, we have received the gift of faith.
The gospel passage proposes a way whereby we can remain grounded or connected to Christ. Jesus himself is an example of being connected to the Father through his prayer. Today's reading displays the glimpse of the prayer life of Jesus prior to his important decision and apostolate. He spent whole night in communion with his Father before he took a decision to choose his apostles; a especial band of people for a specific purpose. The result of his communion with his Father is also mirrored in his apostolate of healing and preaching. In short, Jesus was empowered by his communion with his Father in prayer.
Dear friends, as Christians we are supposed to remain rooted in the faith in Christ because he is the sap which gives sustenance to our Christian life. We are no Christians without faith in Christ. Our identity and hallmark is Christ. Consequently, we cannot remain apart from Christ. We are blessed that we are rooted in Christ by the very fact we are baptized. However, this rootedness may wane or weaken by our negligence or avoidance of our faith. St. Paul speaks of this as philosophy of this world or worldly principles or values which are distant from Christ. Hence, we are invited today to reinforce our rootedness of faith in Christ by our prayer as Christ himself is a model for us. The life of Christ was directed by the communion he shared with his Father in prayer, so also we need to direct our life (actions and activities) according to our communion with Christ in prayer. This will certainly reinforce our rootedness in Christ.
May we remain always rooted in Christ.

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