First Reading - Wisdom 3:1-9

Second Reading - Romans 8:14-23

Gospel - Matthew 11:25-30

James Sherily wrote the poem "Death the leveller" throwing light on the reality of fleeting life here on earth. All souls day, just after the celebration of all saints day, remind us that we have a destiny and let us see the grim fact of life that we are not permanent here. The readings of the day make us realise that we are destined to be with God and is solidified and crystallized in Christ.

The first reading is from the book of wisdom. The reading presents a budding cosmology of later Israelites. The reading upholds that it's the righteous who are saved in the hand of God. This reading also proposes that there is life hereafter in God for those who are righteous. 

The second reading from the letter to Romans instills hope in us that we are saved in Christ. It's because of Christ we are made children of God and are destined for salvation, provided we place our hope in Him.

The gospel invites us to wear an attitude while we live our life here on earth: firstly, we should be dependent on God like children who depend on their parents for everything. The attitude of dependence on God makes us open to accept the revelation of God in Christ, thus our salvation is confirmed as St. Paul himself asserts in the second reading; the second attitude is of complete surrender or disposition as Jesus himself invites those who are heavy laden to come to Him.

My dear friends, death is a reality that noone can escape. Death is a proof that we have to die. However, the death is not the end but assurance of new life that continues in Christ, unless we believe in him. Today's feast reminds us that neither our wealth nor our position can save us but faith in Christ. That's why we must readily surrender our life to him, come what may. We also have to depend on Christ for our salvation for he alone can effect our salvation.

Let's never be pessimistic but ever remain optimistic of our life because we have a sure hope of salvation in Christ.

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