First Reading - Joel 4:12-21

Gospel - Luke 11:27-28

We have many types of relationships in our life; some are casual but others are intimate and close. The casual relationship does not last long but close relationship certainly lasts. This close bond of relationship usually occurs in the family or among the like-minded people. The readings of today invite us to establish a close tie with God like His family.

The first reading continues with the theme of 'judgement of God'. The most striking part of this pericope is that God is going to side with his people. The prophet fortells that the coming of the day of the Lord would bring peace and joy to His people. This coming of God is the inauguration of the messianic time where God will rule over all and destroy the enemies of His people. A special reference to the group of people or people of Israel as His own gives a distinct identity to this group as His family.

The gospel account has a very interesting scene ridden with insights. The woman seems to acknowledge the greatness of the mother of Jesus after seeing the miracle of the healing of the mute and the controversy thereafter. However, Jesus gives a very different reply. Jesus not only acknowledges the role of Mary as the biological mother but also exalts her as the one who not only heard the word of God but kept it or lived. It's to say, Jesus tells her and the audience that mother Mary is blessed not because she bore him but because she heard the word of God and treasured it in her heart or lived it. This invitation is also extended to everyone who follow him or listen to his words to share a great company of friendship with him. Jesus invites everyone to become like his mother to become his family.

Dear friends, we do acknowledge our family and love it so also God invites us to join His family by hearing His word and keeping it or living our lives accordingly. In the gospel, Jesus sets blessed mother as an example to be emulated to become His family.

The first reading also refers that God has a special love for His people and this special group of people are like His family who are gathered and the enemies of these people are overcome by Him. This is an example of special love of God for His family. We are invited to join this family of God by living our lives under the guidance of the Word of God.

May God help us become His family by hearing and living the word of God.

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