First Reading - Romans 6:19-23

Gospel - Luke 12:49-53

We all long for a happy end of our lives. This means, we all want to enjoy the bliss of heaven. The bliss of heaven seems like utopia but isn't so. The Mother Church teaches us that it is a reality. This reality can be actualized by our choices we make. We have to decide to work on our project, to fulfill our dream for that bliss in heaven. The readings of today guide us, how to make it come true in our lives by our choices.

In the first reading, Paul continues his deliberation on the dichotomy of life between sin and righteousness. Paul convincingly forces his belief that it's by serving righteousness, we will be led to live a holy life and eternal life thereafter as a reward. The parallelism drawn of the consequences of the choices between sin and righteousness invites the believers to rise from immoral life of sinfulness (as during the time of Paul, some believers gave their to impurity and sinful life) to the life of righteousness. Paul strongly underlines that the life of immorality and sin drive us to slavery to sin and death thereafter as a result but the consequence of righteousness drives one to choose moral life and eternal life. The emphasis of Paul, by the contrast of choice between sin and righteousness, is to highlight the underlying values and results of the righteous life.

The gospel passage presents a very startling account enriched with imageries. Jesus uses the imageries of 'fire', 'baptism' and 'division'. The imageries are rich in meaning and deeply rooted in the historical context. Jesus uses the imagery of 'fire' from the Jewish perspective. This symbolizes the judgement of God or wrath of God. Hence, if this is considered from the continuity of the theme of the coming of the Son of Man then it refers to the parousia as the judgement of God which is to come about sometime. The imagery of 'baptism' is to be taken from the context of immersion or sunk into water with the experience of agony. Thus the imagery of baptism here refers to the passion and death of Jesus after which would follow his judgement as the Son of Man. The imagery of 'division' refers to the dispute and rejection of the believers by their kiths and kins on account of their faith. This also implies that Jesus is going to be the cause of division even at his second coming.

As a whole, the gospel stresses that those who believe in Jesus will be separated from the unbelievers on the judgement to make a distinction between the believers and the unbelievers. The unbelievers will have to bear the judgement or wrath of God whereas the believers will enjoy the reward of eternal life.

Dear friends, reward of our faith is certain in Christ. As the gospel passage of today underlines the reward for believers in a subtle way but is explicit in the first reading. The first reading invites us to walk the path of righteousness by living a moral and holy life as a result of our faith in Christ. Our life of faith and righteous life can be capsuled by our love for Christ. We can live our faith in Christ with joy if it's reinforced by our love for Christ. Let's enflame the fire of our love for Christ, so that we can live righteous life keeping our faith in Christ.

May God help us grow in our choice for holiness.

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