First Reading - Zechariah 8:20-23

Gospel - Luke 9:51-56

Life becomes boring and miserable without any proper goal and direction in life. We need a purpose and direction in life to be happy and to live it meaningfully. The readings of the day invite us to discover the purpose of our lives that will give us meaning and guidance for our lives.

The first reading focuses on the desire of the other nations to seek and entreat the Lord. The prophecy of Zechariah seems to bring a revolutionary prophecy by saying that all other nations will seek and entreat the Lord of Israel in Jerusalem. It was indeed revolutionary because Jews were particular about their race and their faith. They could never imagine others accepting their faith in the context of polytheism all around. However, the prophecy of Zechariah is inclusive regarding other people. 

The prophecy stresses on two words viz. 'seeking' and 'entreating'. These words envisage the realization of the fact that other people or gentiles would come to know a true God in Yahweh, the God of Israel residing in the temple of Jerusalem. Their seeking implies their desire to see the true God and their entreating implies their faith in the true God. Their 'seeking' and 'entreating' also ensure the people the goal and purpose, they have discovered in the true God.

The gospel presents a resolute decision of Jesus to go to Jerusalem. The journey of Jesus and his disciples to Jerusalem is filled with teachings of Jesus to his disciples. Jerusalem is going to be the place of his destiny (suffering, passion, death, resurrection). Jesus, through his rejection by Samaritans in the passage of today, teaches his disciples about the impending suffering and rejection his disciples will have to undergo when they would be taking up the missionary work. The reaction of James and John to the rejection of Samaritans is intriguing because it evokes the calling of fire from heaven by Elijah. Jesus dissociates himself from the request of the disciples to punish the Samaritans. By this, he confirms that he is not another Elijah but the suffering Messiah heading towards the cross in Jerusalem. The firm decision of Jesus to embrace crucifixion is a lesson to the disciples for the suffering that the call to discipleship entails. 

Dear friends, challenges to discipleship are great but the challenges become endurable with our firm decision to remain strong for the love of Christ and the good news. Jesus realized the sufferings in Jerusalem, but remained firm and strong because of his love for the salvation of humanity. He was clear about his aim and goal and that made him strong in his decision in spite of rejection and provocation by James and John. 

We are invited by the readings to remain firm in our lives by seeking the truth in God like the people in the first reading who realized the truth in God and sought Him. It's the truth that will give us goal in life and a proper direction. The truth is God. When we take a step towards Him, we will find our purpose and meaning in life. We will have a direction to move towards and even the difficulties and challenges will not be able to swerve or budge us even the slightest. Let's not be hesitant to take a step towards God.

May God enlighten our minds to seek and find a purpose and meaning in Him.

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