First Reading - Nehemiah 8:1-12

Gospel - Luke 10:1-12

Every new day comes with its newness. It's a reminder for us that we have to become better than yesterday. Everyday is a day of renewal, a day of change for us. Why do we need a renewal or change? It's because we have to become the part of the kingdom of God. The readings of today lay stress on the renewal of our lives that is required for our greater bond with God so that we become part of the kingdom of God and also promoters of it.

The first reading reminds about the injunction of renewal called after every seven years by the Book of Deuteronomy 31:10-13. In keeping with the prescription, the people of Israel observe the renewal of the covenant with God under the able leadership of Ezra and others. The reading beautifully cites the renewal process of the covenant. The people heard the Law of Moses and the Levites explained them the meaning of the Law followed by the solemn celebration of the renewal of the covenant. 

The striking part of the renewal of the covenant is the understanding of the word of God. The people understood the demands of the Law and the covenant and in weeping and rejoicing, reinvigorated themselves for the pristine relationship with God. 

The gospel of today highlights the missionary activity of 70 or 72 (number varies according to the manuscripts). The crux of the missionary venture of the disciples is the proclamation of the kingdom of God which also includes the imparting of peace and healing of the sick. The disciples of Jesus is expanded to 70 or 72 which also refers to the worldwide mission of the disciples whereas the early missionary venture of the 12 was restricted to the 12 tribes of Israel. 

The main emphasis can be said on the message of the missionary venture of the disciples, the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God entails well-being of the people and acceptance of it with the messengers. The well-being is underlined by the imparting of peace and the healing of the sick. The disciples were exhorted by Jesus to prepare people for the kingdom of God so that they can become part of the family of God by becoming part of the kingdom of God.

Dear friends, we, as Christians, are part of the kingdom of God but because of our frailties, we need everyday renewal of our lives in accordance with the demands of the kingdom. We renew it by imbibing the values and demands of discipleship enshrined in the Bible, particularly the gospels and fulfilling them. We renew it by living our Christian live according to its demands.

The gospel also exhorts us or all believers in Christ to invite or lead others to be the part of God's kingdom. Just as the disciples were sent by Jesus in the hostile situations to bring the good news of the kingdom of God to others, so also we are encouraged and bound by our Christian obligation to bring the good news of the kingdom by our lives of promotion of peace and healing to the lives of people. It's not by force but by peace, we are to communicate the good news of the kingdom. It's by spreading goodness in the lives of others, we are to preach the kingdom of God. It's then our role of discipleship becomes complete in Christ.

May God help us in our daily renewal as His disciples.

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