First Reading - Romans 13:8-10

Gospel - Luke 14:25-33

St. Augustine says: "Love and do whatever you want." What he means by this sentence is that where there is love there is no evil because love can never do any wrong to anyone. Love liberates us. The readings of today invite us to follow Christ by loving him wholeheartedly.

In the first reading, St. Paul speaks about the exalted nature of love. He says that love completes the law or the commandment. Furthermore, he explains that the commandment of Moses is summed up in love, thus where there is love there is no breaking of commandment. He further points out that love is inimical to sin or grave offence to our fellow brothers and sisters. Love is subsumed in seeking good of others. If it's best subsumed in seeking good of others, it can not cause harm to others which will be contrary to the nature of love.

The gospel presents the demands posed by Jesus in order to follow him or become his disciples. This demands of Jesus also called as 'Costs of discipleship.' Jesus makes some demands from his disciples, which can be listed as following: firstly, if anyone wants to follow him, he/she has to hate his father, mother, brothers, sisters etc. What does Jesus mean by the word 'hate'? It means Jesus should be loved or obeyed more than anyone else. Jesus demands the first place in our hearts; secondly, if anyone wants to follow him, he/she should be ready to take up his cross. This means he/she should be ready to make sacrifices in life and endure sufferings and challenges; thirdly, Jesus demands that we should count the cost of our choices. It means we should examine before we respond to the call, whether the choice that is taken suites me or not. It needs perseverance to follow Christ.

Dear friends, as Christians, we all are the followers of Christ. However, today the invitation is extended to examine our call as his disciples. The call to be his disciples have some conditions which should be lived in our lives. The condition to follow Christ is summed up in 'love' because 'love' completes every condition and demand. We are invited by the readings to love Christ above everything and this will the greatest sign of our discipleship. When we love Christ, he will become our priority and we will be able to endure everything for him, even martyrdom.

It's our love for Christ that will help us love everyone equally. It is our love for Christ which will impel us to seek good of everyone, hence no harm will ever be caused to anyone. This is why St. Paul speaks about that love can cause no harm to anyone.

Let's pray that God may fill us with love so that we will be able to imitate Jesus as true disciples.

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