First Reading - Romans 16:3-27

Gospel - Luke 16:9-15

If you ask students this question: "What do want to become in life?" They give different answers, some want to be engineers, doctors, architect, and scientists etc. If we ask them, why? Some would answer - to earn a lot sum of money. Well, this pursuit of wealth is not bad but the readings of today invite us to examine the possible dangers that can arise from their blind pursuit in our spiritual life.

In the first reading, we find a long list of names to whom Paul sends greetings. The list of names transcend the barrier of nationality, races or origin because it includes diverse groups of people, Jews and gentiles alike. The list conveys that the good news goes beyond human boundaries and confines and unifies all to one community. The greetings of Paul, to different Christians, bring to mind the friendship he enjoyed with all.

The gospel of today deals with the danger of wealth or mammon in contrast to service to God. Jesus warns us today of the danger of becoming slave to wealth or things. He counsels us to use wealth but avoid the danger of becoming slave to it. Jesus further suggests us that we should be careful of the possible dangers arising from usage of wealth like materialism, hedonism and utilitarianism etc. 

Dear friends, wealth or mammon, as used in the gospel, can have many meanings as money, gifts, talents, and fortune etc. It is required for our upward mobility but in pursuit of wealth, as warned by the gospel, we should not be controlled or conditioned by it. Wealth should become means for us and not master. Jesus repeatedly emphasizes that a person who is only concerned or controlled by wealth can't serve God, for 'no one can serve two masters.' We can be either faithful to God or wealth (things of the world). Our preoccupation for wealth or mammon can lead us astray from the concerns of God. Jesus invites us today to use wealth for winning friends and always be cautious of their faithful use (warning against greed). In this manner, we will be able to keep a balance and not be led astray from serving God.

St. Paul uses the his gift of apostleship for including more people to the flock of Christ. The first reading is an example of his use of wealth, which was his authority to preach the good news, for winning people for Christ. We are invited today to use our gifts or wealth to promote unity or sodality in Christ.

May God guide us to use our wealth in a proper way.

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