First Reading - 2 Maccabees 7:1,20-31

Gospel - Luke 19:11-28

The central theme of today’s Gospel is an invitation to live in such a way that we make the best use of the talents God has given us, so that at the hour of our death Our Lord will say: “Well done, My good and faithful servant! Come and share the joy of your Master.” The parable of the talents challenges us to do something positive, constructive, and life-affirming with our talents here and now.

In the parable, we see a very rich Master, about to set off on a journey, entrusted very large sums of money (talents), to three of his servant-slaves, each according to his personal ability: five, two, and one. He wanted them to do business with the money in his absence. Through skillful trading and investing, the servant-slaves with the five talents and the two talents managed to double their master’s money. But the servant-slave with one talent buried it in the ground for fear of loss in business. On the day of accounting, the Master rewarded the two clever servant-slaves and punished the third servant-slave whom he called “wicked and slothful.” He took the third servant-slave’s talent and gave it to the first servant-slave.

Dear friends, we need to trust God enough to make use of the gifts and abilities He has given us. We may be especially talented in teaching children, or cooking meals, or repairing homes, or programming computers. Let us use our particular gifts in the service of our families, our Christian community, and the wider society. 

We need to make use of our talents in our parish. We should be always willing to share our abilities in creative worship in the Church and in the various ministries in our parish, such as Sunday-school teacher, singer in the choir, volunteer, and/or member of one or more of the various parish organizations and community outreach programs. 

All of us in the Church today have received at least one talent namely, the gift of Faith. Our responsibility is not just to preserve and “keep” the Faith, but to work with it and grow with it We need to promote and add value to Faith by living it out.

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