First Reading - Isaiah 35:1-10

Gospel - Luke 5:17-26

The meaning of Jesus is saviour or the one who saves. The purpose of the coming of Jesus was to save us all through his passion, death and resurrection. He accomplished this purpose by offering the gift of salvation to all by his passion, death, resurrection and ascension. He not only saves us from eternal damnation but also from the clutches of sin. The readings of the day throw light upon the promise of the saving act of God which is unraveled in the healing act of Jesus. 

The first reading is sprinkled with the optimistic overtones that God is going to initiate His saving action by leading His people to Zion and by throwing down the enemies of Israel and bringing joy to the house of Israel. The return of joy of Israel is depicted by the lush countryside with streams, flowers and so on. The joy abounds by the healing of deaf, lame and dumb. 

The promise of salvation takes shape in the healing action of Jesus. Jesus, in the gospel, heals the paralytic and associates that with sin. He says: your sins are forgiven. He doesn't say at first; you are healed. Sin can paralyze us spiritually and physically but Jesus saves us from both spiritual and physical infirmities.

The second point that strikes out in this passage is the faith of those who brought the paralytic to Jesus and as the gospel says, "seeing their faith" Jesus utters: your sins are forgiven. This is a beautiful example of the power of intercession. The intercession includes the faith of the one who intercedes for the other. This prayer is also effective and pleasing to God.

My dear friends, Jesus has offered the gift of salvation to all. Salvation is required due to our bondage of sin. How can we appropriate this gift of salvation? It's by receiving forgiveness of our sins and by being ready to obey the command of Jesus to pick up the mat and walk home. What does it mean? It simply means to be ready to obey Christ in action.

Secondly, the passage also reminds us that there are so many who have not recognised the salvation in Christ. They can also receive the mercy of God through our prayers. 

May the gift of salvation offered to all humanity be recognised by all.

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