First Reading - Daniel 7:15-27

Gospel - Luke 21:34-36

Every event or program needs a preparation. The success of the program depends on the kind of preparation is made. The readings of today invite us to prepare ourselves for a great event of our lives; for the coming of Jesus.

The first reading comes as a hope for the suffering people of Israel under the king Antiochus Epiphanes who forced the people to worship his own idol and those didn't do it were persecuted and killed. The vision of Daniel reveals that such period of trial is short lived because God will vanquish the power of evil and liberate his people from such sufferings. The sufferings of people is a trial for them of their fidelity as permitted by God and those who would remain firm and strong would be rewarded by him. 

The gospel passage continues to teach us a lesson of being prepared for the coming of the Son of Man. Jesus, in the gospel of today, warns us against three threats in our preparation for his second coming; debauchery, drunkenness, and cares of life. Why are they placed as threats in our preparation? It's because they entangle us to the pleasures and worries of our lives and prevent us to think or care for the coming of Jesus. However, Jesus advices us to prepare ourselves for his second coming in vigilance, prayers, and confidence. Why they? It's because vigilance keeps us alert of every happening and keeps us ready for everything; prayer keeps us connected to God and helps us persevere in our preparation; and confidence bids us rely on the promise of Jesus and never lose heart.

Dear friends, as we are going to begin a new year or season (advent) from tomorrow onwards. Therefore, the message of preparation is accentuated. The theme of 'preparation' hints at the twofold coming of Jesus as in Bethlehem and his glorious coming to judge the world. We are encouraged by the readings to prepare ourselves for both the events; to commemorate the earthly coming of Jesus and welcome the glorious coming of Jesus. As the gospel of today counsels us to remain vigilant, pray constantly, and remain confident, it's then we will be able to prepare for the coming of Jesus in our midst. 

We do face trials and difficulties in our lives but God tells us through the first reading that our difficult times will not last long, they will pass but we should remain firm and confident in the promise of God for our protection and guidance. Let's not lose hope but remain firm and strong in our faith.

May God be our stronghold and support.

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