First Reading - 1 John 2: 3-11

Gospel - Luke 2:22 - 35

A person can know the importance of light only in the presence of darkness. Light not only dispels darkness but also makes things visible to eyes. The readings of the day are inviting us to live in the light of God by following His commandment.

The gospel reading recounts the scene of purification and redemption ceremonies: The Mosaic Law taught that, since every Jewish male child belonged to Yahweh, the parents had to “buy back” the child (“redeem” him), by offering lambs or turtledoves as a sacrifice in the Temple. In addition (Numbers 18:15), every mother had to be purified after childbirth by prayers and an offering made to God in the Temple. Joseph kept these laws as an act of obedience to God. 

The gospel also recounts the prophecy of Simeon for the child Jesus and his mother Mary.The striking features of the prophecy of Simeon for Jesus are his being glory of Israel and his being light of revelation to the gentiles. As a whole, the prophecy is for whole humanity. Jesus is the light of revelation of God's love to humanity. Jesus subsumes the message of love in his life and brings salvation to all through the paschal mystery.

The first reading also encourages all faithful to become messengers of love of God by loving one another. Love of God is expressed in the love of our fellow beings. Those who walk the commandment of love prove themselves to be in the light of God and know God for God is love.

My dear friends, the message of Christ for the humanity was 'love' which goes beyond any measure despite his rejection by his own people. The same message of love reaches its culmination in Him as He subsumes love. Thus, to be in Him means to follow Him in loving Him and one another. Those who claim to love God but despise their fellow men are liers as St. John emphatically puts that. Today, the invitation is extended to us to become more loving and caring towards one another as the expression of love to God. May God help us to remain in His love always.

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