First Reading - 2 Samuel 5:1-7,10

Gospel - Mark 3:22-30

We have heard the saying: "Empty mind is devil's workshop." This is indeed true. If we are not careful, the evil forces can overcome us. The readings of today invite us to fill our life with the presence of God thence we will overcome evil forces from our lives.

In today's first reading, we hear about the confirmation of the kingship of David by all the tribes of Israel. The anointing of David by Samuel had filled David with God's Spirit. We hear that with the power of God's presence, David could overcome his enemies and united the kingdom of Israel into one kingdom. The reign of David shows the presence of God with Israel as God's Spirit was with David.

Today’s Gospel passage gives Jesus’ crushing reply to the slander propagated by the observers from the Sanhedrin, that Jesus expelled devils using the assistance of the leader of devils. Jesus refutes the false allegation raised against him by the Sanhedrin scribes with three counterarguments and a warning: 1) A house divided against itself will perish and a country engaged in civil war will be ruined. Hence, Satan will not fight against Satan by helping Jesus to expel his co-workers. 2) If Jesus is collaborating with Satan to exorcise minor demons, then the Jewish exorcists are doing the same. 3) Jesus claims that he is using the power of his Heavenly Father to evict devils, just as a strong man guards a house and its possessions from the thief. 4) Finally, Jesus gives a crushing blow to his accusers, warning them that by telling blatant lies they are blaspheming against the Holy Spirit and, hence, their sins are unforgivable.

Dear friends, we are to give the Holy Spirit a place in our lives. The presence of the Holy Spirit will help us overcome the evil forces within us and around us. David enjoyed the presence of God and God blessed him in everything he did. David succeeded in overcoming his enemies and God made him great. With the presence of God or the Spirit, we can vanquish the enemies of our soul. Jesus teaches us through the gospel that we can be influenced by the evil spirit if we listen to him and follow him. Hence, we have to keep our souls daily cleansed and filled with the Spirit of God, leaving no space for the evil spirit to enter our souls. Let's fill our heart and mind with God's Word everyday which is the powerful weapon against the evil forces.

Let's pray that we may give due place to God in our lives so that we may overcome evil forces from within and outside.

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