First Reading - Jonah 3:1-10

Gospel - Luke 11:29-32

There are many who don't believe in God nor attempt to recognize God. Some of them are called atheist, agonist, and others sceptic etc. They seem to perceive God with their senses to come to faith; in other words, they need valid proofs or perceptible proofs to believe in God. The readings of today highlight that God has already displayed His signs everywhere provided we see them with the eyes of faith.

In the first reading, we come across a beautiful example of faith of the Ninevites. The story of the conversation of the Ninevites comes as parody or mockery for the Jews who remained stubborn and adamant not to change their sinful life, though God sent them many prophets. The stubbornness and disobedience of Israel is portrayed by the prophet Jonah who disobeys and later unwillingly executes the command of God, whereas, the people of Nineveh hear only once from the prophet about the destruction of the city and they repent; from the king to the animals show the sign of repentance. This scene becomes parody for Israel as the chosen people fail to believe in the words of the prophets and change themselves but the gentiles readily come to believe in the message of the prophet and change themselves in expectation for God's mercy.

The gospel passage recounts the controversy scene and disbelief of the Pharisees (leaders of the chosen nation). They ask for a sign from Jesus to believe in him. Jesus does not give any immediate sign or show a miracle to win them but directs them to Jonah and Solomon who became great signs of faith for the gentiles. Jonah became a sign of repentance for Nenevites, whereas Solomon became a sign of wisdom from God for the queen of Sheba. The commonality between both is that they were non-Jews; yet the Nenevites turned in repentance to God of Israel and the queen of Sheba praised the God of Israel witnessing the wisdom of Solomon. In short, they were led to faith in the God of Israel by Jonah and Solomon respectively. 

Jesus, by comparing himself with Jonah and Solomon, tries to assert that he himself is a greater sign than Jonah and Solomon. What he does and preaches testify about him and what he is. They need the eyes of faith to perceive and recognize him.

Dear friends, do we recognize Jesus? God has embedded His signs everywhere that bacon to Him and His glory. The universe itself is a sign for those who see it with the eyes of faith. St. Francis of Assisi saw a clear imprint of God in every creation and praised God for the beautiful creation. It's because he saw everything with the eyes of faith. Mother Teresa saw every suffering person as suffering Christ. This was a sign for her to recognize Christ in them. St. Ignatius of Loyola and many other saints discovered Christ in the Bible. The Bible became a sign for them to recognize Christ. God has filled our lives with His imprint, we need the eyes of faith to discover Him and recognize Him.

The Pharisees, representing the group of chosen people, failed to recognize Jesus because they lacked faith in him whereas the people of Nineveh recognised the voice of God through the prophet and believed in the message because they perceived the message as the voice of God and repented for their sins. God communicates His voice to us daily in the mass through the readings, and through different people and events of the day, we need to see them with the specks of faith. Certainly, in this way, we will perceive and recognize Him.

Let's ask grace of God to let us see everything with the eyes of faith to recognize Him in our lives.

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