First Reading - Jeremiah 17:5-10

Gospel - Luke 16:19-31

We need 'trust' to build our relationship with one another. Without trust, the relationship can break within no time. The readings of today are inviting us to build a strong relationship with God by laying a strong foundation of trust which will subsequently effect our good actions.

The first reading makes a contrast between the person who trusts in the Lord and the person who trusts in oneself or men or strength of man. The person who trust in oneself (men or strength or power of men) is allegorically compared with 'scrub' of wastelands with no possibility of life and survival, with no sensitivity to goodness; in addition, curse upon the person. Therefore, the actions of such kind of person will be according to one's own way in selfishness, insensitivity, and without love for others. Whereas, the person who learns to rely on God is allegorically compared with the 'tree by the waterside' with life thriving and mushrooming; in addition to it, accompanied by the blessings of God on the person. Therefore, the actions of such kind of person will be according to the will of God, of trust, of sensitivity to one another, and of readiness to share with others. The prophet emphatically highlights that our actions will be judged by God who knows ins and outs of our life.

In the gospel passage, Jesus demonstrates through the parable, how a man who has turned away from God and trusts in oneself and one's strength behaves and acts. The rich man in the parable acts selfishly and insensitively towards Lazarus who was poor and sat everyday at the rich man's gate begging. The parable shockingly narrates the reversal of situation after the death; the rich man in Hades and Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham. What surprises us is, why is the rich man punished for apparent no reason? The reason lies in the rich man's lack of sensitivity or love for the suffering Lazarus. He becomes proud of his wealth and indifferent to his neighbour. This also shows his lack of trust in God and trust . Therefore, he is punished to Hades to be tormented, whereas, Lazarus is given privilege of being in heaven.

Dear friends, it's very important that we should learn to trust in God. As the technology is developing and science is advancing, we may tend to rely more on ourselves than God. The readings of today are directing us that our pride or trust in ourselves can lead us nowhere but away from God. In the first reading, prophet Jeremiah makes it clear that those who learn to trust in God receive blessings from God and will flourish but those who trust in themselves and their power and strength will be cursed and that is demonstrated in the gospel by the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, therefore we need to guard our heart as this can be devious or can detract us from trusting in God. A close look of the Bible tells us that we need to trust in God. The Bible is our guiding yard as the gospel also puts it. The person who trusts in God will certainly be loving, kind, sensitive to one another, and generous as he or she will always aspire to do what God wills from him/her; such people will be given the reward from God. However, those who pride in themselves will be least worried about others, will have no fear of God and will be always selfish, the fate of such people will be like the rich man of the parable. Let's listen to the injunctions of the Bible to become kind, loving, generous, and sensitive etc. so that our life becomes acceptable to God.

Let's pray that we may be able to deepen our trust in God.

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