First Reading - Acts 13:26-33

Gospel - John 14:1-6

Discouragement and disappointment are usual feelings that most of us undergo due to our failures, unmet expectations and other reasons. The readings of today suggest to us to always remain hopeful and learn to trust in God.

Jesus, realizing the feelings of fear and discouragement that could emerge from his passion and death, exhorts believers to trust in God and him. He assures that his going is necessary in order for him to prepare a place for all. The reference to 'place' is metaphorical, as heaven is beyond time and physical space. Therefore, the reference to 'place' signifies the domain of God. Hence, the disciples are further exhorted to show certain qualities in order to prepare themselves for their destiny until the return of Jesus, such as showing trust in God and in Jesus, believing that Jesus is the Way who leads all to heaven through his teachings; he is the Truth in whom inheres all fullness of truth about heaven and the Father, for he is from heaven; he is the Life that gives life and leads all to eternal life by abiding in him and in his teaching.

In the first reading, Paul makes an assertion that Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promise. He also makes a comparison with the Jews; those who just witnessed the promises God made to them, but they could not witness the fulfillment of the promise. His contemporary Jews, however, saw the promises of God fulfilled in Jesus, and many witnessed his resurrection, the sign of God's confirmation of the fulfillment of His promise in him. Thereby, Paul invites his fellow Jews to recognize the promise of God in Jesus.

Dear friends, our faith in Jesus is the manifestation of our trust in the promises of Jesus. In the first reading, Paul stresses that God ever fulfills His promises. We are also given assurance in the promises of Jesus through Paul. Jesus appeals to us through the gospel that we should always have trust in God and in him. It's our trust in Jesus that can always encourage and compel us to accept Jesus as our Way, Truth, and Life, who alone can lead us to heaven.

The readings also urge us that we need to overcome moments of discouragement and hopelessness because they can only demoralize and dishearten us, but today we are invited to learn to place trust in God in every situation of our lives, even if they are bad and shattering. Our trust in God gives us hope, and hope makes us remain upbeat in all situations of our lives.

May God strengthen us in our faith.

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