First Reading - Acts 14:5-18

Gospel - John 14:21-26

Faith is a journey of discovering God in our lives through different situations. The readings today invite us to discover the true presence of God in our lives in order to remain faithful to His commandments.

The first reading recounts how Paul and Barnabas lead people to become aware of God's abiding presence. Paul performs a miracle by curing a cripple, which leads the people to attribute divine titles to him and Barnabas. However, they correct the people and try to help them recognize the true nature of God. Unfortunately, the people's blind faith prevents them from recognizing the true God, as they are drawn into idol worship instead.

In the Gospel, Jesus promises the abiding presence of the Holy Trinity in His disciples who demonstrate their love for Him by keeping His commandments, especially the commandment of love. Only this type of love will open their hearts and make them receptive to the Divine Indwelling of the Trinitarian God. Jesus refers to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in souls renewed by grace. Throughout the Old Testament, God repeatedly revealed Himself and promised to dwell among His people. However, Jesus speaks here of the presence of God within each person. We are each a part of the Divine chain of love. God loves humanity, as evidenced by sending His Son. After Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension, God the Father continues to dwell within us, along with His Son and the Holy Spirit. This abiding God provides us with the Father’s protection and providence, the Son’s redemption and forgiveness of sins, and the Holy Spirit’s sanctification and guidance.

Dear friends, the best sign of God's presence in our lives is our life itself. A life filled with love radiates the presence of God within us. This presence of God is manifested in our discovery of Him in our lives. Those who have truly discovered God will always strive to keep His commandments, just as the disciples of Jesus did. Let us seek to discover Jesus in our faith first, and then we will naturally keep His commandments in every situation. However, the first reading reminds us that blind faith can lead to an exaggeration of faith, as seen in the people mentioned there. True faith, on the other hand, recognizes the difference between falsehood and truthfulness. Therefore, we must reject blind faith in order to grow in true faith in God and His presence in our lives.

Let us live in constant awareness of the abiding presence of the Trinitarian God within us and behave accordingly. During moments of doubt and temptation, let us seek the active guidance and strengthening of our indwelling God.

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