First Reading - Acts 4:1-12

Gospel - John 21:1-14

Many people don't like to be dependent. It's because dependency takes away freedom. The readings of today invite us to listen to God and submit ourselves to His guidance. This is to say, we need to depend upon God. It's not slavish dependency but readiness to obey Him.

The gospel passage narrates the appearance of the resurrected Jesus to his disciples by the sea of Tiberias. The gospel mentions- "It was light" when Jesus appeared to them. The 'light' refers to a new age or beginning, therefore the appearance of Jesus in the morning can also mean the beginning of hope with Jesus. Jesus appears as hope for the whole night failure of the disciples to catch fish. Jesus instructs them to put the net on the right side and there they get a huge catch of fish. The expert fishermen followed the instruction of Jesus and that resulted in a great catch of fish. It's because of their obedience to the instruction of Jesus, the disciples succeeded in their efforts.

The first reading gives us another example of confidence and courage of Peter in the risen Christ. The healing of the lame man and the preaching of the resurrection of Jesus brought a great commotion among the priests and Sadducees. The priests and Sadducees were greatly annoyed by their claim of the resurrection of Jesus and got Peter and John arrested. The following day, Peter and John are brought to the council of leaders for the interrogation. Peter, filled with Holy Spirit, claims that Jesus is the Messiah and savior and condemns the leaders for the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Such display of courage and confidence of Peter in Jesus comes from the willful submission of oneself to God. Therefore, the Holy Spirit finds a place in Peter and empowers him to face the council.

Dear friends, Jesus brings us hope and confidence for us by his resurrection; hope for our resurrection, and confidence in his promise. The disciples had greatly failed in their attempt to catch fish. They were expert fishermen but they had failed badly. In their failure, Jesus comes to help them. However, for this, they needed to listen to him and submit to his instruction. When they followed the instruction of Jesus, they succeeded in their efforts. We also need to listen to the voice of Jesus when there appears no hope and no possibility. There is always a possibility with Jesus. Our strength, gifts, capabilities can fail us but our hope in God expressed in our humble submission to His will can never fail us. 

When we are prompt to submit ourselves to God and His will, the Holy Spirit comes to our aid. This is very well manifested in Peter who faced the council of the leaders courageously and confidently with the power of the Holy Spirit. It's this Peter who was frightened to admit that he knew Jesus and denied Jesus three times, now preaches about Jesus and even condemns the leaders for killing Jesus. The same Spirit empowers us to face challenging situations of our lives when we also submit ourselves like Peter to God. Let's learn to rely on the power of God.

May God make us docile to listen and submit to Him.

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