💖 HOMILY - MAY 14 💖


First Reading - Acts 1:15-17,20-26

Gospel - John 15:9-17

Discipleship is a call to respond to God's ways in the manner He expects from us. The readings of today invite us to understand the importance of our response as disciples of Jesus.

In the first reading, we encounter the selection of Matthias as a replacement for Judas Iscariot to complete the number of apostles. The selection of Matthias occurs under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who indicates his name to replace Judas. This reminds us that every call to discipleship comes from God, requiring our response to follow or do what Jesus expects from us.
Today’s Gospel passage is part of Jesus’ Last Supper discourse, where he reminds his disciples that he has chosen them as his friends with a triple mission. First, they are to love others as he has loved them, unconditionally, forgivingly, and sacrificially. Second, they are to bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Third, they are to ask God the Father in Jesus’ Name for whatever they need.
Dear friends, the readings urge us to remain faithful to our call as disciples of Jesus by abiding in him and his friendship. We can do this by:
a) Embracing the qualities of trust, mutuality, faithfulness, equality, forgiveness, joy, and self-sacrifice in our friendship with Jesus.
b) Trusting Jesus by listening to him through the Bible and praying to him.
c) Being faithful to Jesus by doing His will.
d) Being proud of our unique status as equals with Jesus.
e) Forgiving those who offend us.
f) Finding complete joy in Jesus’ Divine friendship.
g) Sacrificially loving others, following Jesus' example of laying down his life for us.
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be persons for others, sacrificing our time, talents, and lives for their well-being, just as Jesus lived and died for us, demonstrating God's love.

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