💖 HOMILY - MAY 25 💖

First Reading - James 5:13-20

Gospel - Mark 10:13-16

The quote, "Happy Moments, Praise God, Difficult Moments, Seek God, Quiet Moments, Worship God, Painful Moments, Trust God. Every Moment, Thank God," encapsulates the attitude of approaching God with humility in all circumstances. Today's readings invite us to adopt this attitude through the practice of prayer and mutual concern for one another.

In the first reading, James emphasizes the profound value of prayer and mutual concern. He urges believers to turn to prayer rather than complaints when facing suffering and sickness. James underscores that the effectiveness of prayer lies in the faith of the person praying. He uses the example of Elijah, whose faithful prayer was heard by God, to illustrate this point. Additionally, James stresses that prayers for the sick should be motivated by genuine concern for one another. He highlights that bringing back those who have strayed from the faith not only helps the lost but also brings grace to the one who helps. For James, mutual concern for one another is an expression of love in action, and prayer is a vital component of this mutual concern.

The gospel passage introduces the virtue of humility as essential in our relationship with God and in prayer. Jesus teaches that to enter the kingdom of God, one must be like a little child—humble and dependent. In the context of Jewish society at the time, a child had no identity apart from their parents and was completely dependent on them. This imagery of a child used by Jesus calls for believers to adopt a similar attitude of humility and dependence on God.

Dear friends, every prayer reflects the disposition of a humble heart. A humble person naturally turns to prayer in both joys and sorrows. James emphasizes that we should pray for ourselves during trials and joyful moments and be eager to pray for others who are suffering. This mutual concern should extend to caring for others, especially the sick and those lost in sin. Supporting our brothers and sisters with prayer and helping them return to faith when needed is a profound act of love and humility.

The gospel passage further underlines humility as a requirement for entering the kingdom of God. A proud person, relying solely on themselves, may not seek God's help in suffering or praise God in success. In contrast, a humble person approaches God in every situation, recognizing their need for His guidance and support.

Let us cultivate the virtue of humility in our lives. By doing so, we can approach God in prayer with a heart full of faith, love, and genuine concern for others. Through humility, we open ourselves to God's grace and are better equipped to discern His will and follow it faithfully. Let us pray that God grants us the grace to recognize our dependence on Him and to approach Him with a humble and sincere heart in every moment of our lives.

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