💖 HOMILY - JUNE 11 💖

First Reading - 1 Kings 17:7-16

Gospel - Matthew 5:13-16

We realize the importance of things in their absence. We understand the importance of salt in the absence of it, so also the importance of light in darkness. Salt and light are indispensable parts of our life. They also have spiritual implications. The readings of today tell us about the spiritual implications of salt and light.

In the gospel passage of today, Jesus uses the symbolism of 'salt' and 'light.' The usage of salt and light has symbolic implications for the spiritual life of the disciples of Jesus. Jesus identifies the disciples with the symbolism of 'salt': "You are the salt of the earth." The symbolism of salt reminds us about its qualities; it adds taste and is preservative (at times used as manure). The qualities of salt are applied to the spiritual lives of the disciples where they are invited to permeate society as agents of redemption by arresting corruption and preventing moral decay in this world. The disciples, failing to do so, are compared with the 'salt losing its saltiness.' They are those who have failed to preserve the teachings of Jesus and transform themselves and others as well.

The symbolism of 'light' also reminds the disciples that they are to illumine the world by their good works according to the teachings of Jesus so that others may praise God. It is to say, the symbolism of light invites the disciples to become beacons to call the world to heed God's standard.

The first reading demonstrates an example of charity by the widow of Zarephath. The prophet Elijah was sent by God to a pagan territory to a widow who would give him something to eat. The generosity of the widow is seen in her consent to give the prophet what he asked for although initially she was hesitant because that was the last resort of sustenance for her and her son, but she believed in the assurance of the prophet. And there followed a great miracle; the flour was never spent, and the jug of oil was never emptied. The miracle was, in fact, an evident sign of the generous response of the widow.

Dear friends, the life of discipleship demands that we make a difference in the world rather than be carried away by the ideals and values of the world. We are reminded today to become the 'salt' and 'light' in the world. We are exhorted today to preserve the teachings of Jesus and permeate them in the world; hence, moral decay and evils of the world would give way. We can achieve this by living our lives according to the teachings of Jesus in love, charity, kindness, forgiveness, sincerity, and generosity. These gospel values are contrary to the worldly values and ideals; thus, we will be able to permeate good values in the world through our lives.

The gospel also reminds us that our life should direct others to praise God, like the light dispelling the darkness to show up things around. The life of goodness that we aspire to live according to the gospel should not attract the attention of people for oneself but should lead them to praise and glorify God. In this way, we can become 'the light of the world.' The worldly people desire to have the world's attention to themselves, but our primary wish should be that our good life should render praise to God.

May God help us become 'salt' and 'light' in the world according to His will.

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